Friday, October 22, 2021

America has rough years ahead but then watch out.

There is no escaping the coming collapse of the GDP (Global Debt Ponzi).  Mammon Money has been accepted by too many for too long to just go away quietly.  You cannot get this fooled by a con game and not eventually have a Madoff Moment.  So there must be some kind of collapse.  The effects can be very wide ranging from the elitist utopian world of Elysium to something far more ordinary such as the collapse of the USSR.  But already I see the seeds of the new recovery being planted. It will take a long time to yield fruit. 10, 15 years or more.  But the return of conservatism and conservative values is already underway.

The latest evidence point I can offer is something being discussed by the right headed conservative organization, PragerU.  PragerU is the construct of Dennis Prager.  Prager is unlike any other "conservative"out there.  In fact, most of the conservatives out there are just psyops.  I look at what most think of as conservatives like Hannity, Gutfeld and company,  Ben Shapiro, and yes, even Tucker Carlson and they pale in comparison to Dennis Prager.

The reason is pretty clear.  While none of those other guys are wrong, all they do is focus on news de jour and that makes them noise.  But Prager focuses on concepts and ideas.  He gets to the heart of the problems and has the right solutions.  For example, when everyone has been talked into getting a gay ass social studies degree in bullshit. Prager instead focuses on TRADES which is something I have said many times was going to happen.  That's because trades are real work, and labor is the creator of all new human value.  Money manipulation runs the show today.  Gambling and financial innovation (AKA shell games of debt scams) and getting rich without doing any work is what is respected today.  But trades and the return to the conservative value of PRODUCTION BEFORE CONSUMPTION is now gaining traction and for good reason: it's the only thing that can work for most people.  Never forget that  gambling is inherently a win-lose proposition whereas skilled labor is inherently a win-win proposition.

Dennis Prager also walks the walk.  He actually contracted covid on purpose to show that it wasn't the scary thing that government said it was as long as you had your therapeutics handy like ivermectin et. al.  When you are 73 years old like Prager is, that's what I call walking the walk folks.  Covid is just the bad fucking flu as long as you follow the therapeutic protocols which are mostly downplayed or, sadly, even outlawed by government.  And the reason is clear.  Big government wants to be your savior and if you die well then you just didn't get on the lung machine quickly enough will be your story (even though the smart guys tell you that the lung machine is the kiss of death for Covid).

One more thing: PragerU actually embraces diversity.  One of its main presenters is Mr. Dave Rubin, an openly gay man who doesn't parade it around like a badge of honor and who doesn't play the victim card or any other head games.  I would hang out with Rubin in an eye-blink and then think myself lucky to have the chance.  Why?  Because while he is gay, he's not a gaytard.  I hope more and more gay folks follow his lead of not being embarrassed about his choices even if others think they are wrong, but at the same time not trying to recruit or indoctrinate or to flaunt his lifestyle like it was somehow more important than anything else.

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