Saturday, August 21, 2021

Biden and Afghanistan

Biden was right to leave Afghanistan.  We have no business there and we never did.  It is not our job to fight for other people's freedom and history shows that those who do not fight for their own freedom neither deserve it nor keep it for very long if someone else fought for their freedom.  If an Afghan doesn't like living under Taliban then he needs to organize and fight.  So sorry it is like that but that does not change reality.

I am no fan of Bumbling Biden but he was handed a bad situation with Afghanistan just like Trump was.  It was a costly waste of resources and a political landmine waiting to go bang.  But it would not have been difficult to orchestrate a QUIET removal of American noncombatants, American equipment and American friends before the final day where all the planes fly out at once.  Any equipment that we didn't want to take should have been demilitarized (i.e. destroyed).  Anyone could see that the Afghans we trained were just there for an American paycheck. They didn't have any real resolve to fight for their country.  They were liberal opportunists.  They shouldn't have been left with any equipment that we didn't want the Taliban to have.

The right way to execute the final withdrawal would have been to surge the place with troops who go on search and kill missions to keep Taliban heads down while the main final evacuations of people and equipment were happening at the air base.  And then on being signaled that everyone else was out and all the good equipment was either removed or destroyed, the troops rapidly pull back as the last boots on the ground and drive right up into the C5A transports and head home.  That would have been the right way to exit the country, not the childish deal we saw executed by Biden's handlers.  To blame Biden for anything at this point is like blaming a tree stump.  The man is mentally gone.

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