Thursday, August 26, 2021

Another important difference

I'm on record as recognizing the basic difference between conservatives and liberals which is that conservatives have a built in tendency to produce something before they consume it whereas liberals would rather consume first and then potentially, but not assuredly, produce something later.  Borrowing money is thus liberal because you get the money before you earned it.  But it also explains why after borrowing the money, conservatives want to pay it back while liberals are always looking for the excuse or loophole or exception that allows them not to have to repay.  Student loan debt is a great example.

In any case, I want to point out another prominent difference between conservatives and liberals which can be seen in the wild all the time.  Conservatives have opinions which they sometimes act on which turn out to be wrong.  A conservative recognizes his fault in the matter and tries to practice once bitten twice shy.

On the other hand, the liberal comes up with an idea and acts on it.  But if it fails he / she does not say "Guess that was a bad idea".  Nope.  Instead they say "well I was on the right track and I just need to do more of what failed".  This is why the fed keeps using stimulus to goose the economy and the government does too.

This concept of never learning from mistakes and in fact never acknowledging that a mistake was made is liberalism 101 and can be seen in today's headlines such as this one.

With more than 100,000 people in the hospital with Covid-19 in the US, this August is worse than last, expert says.

OK, so what is different this August than last August??  THE VACCINE, that's what.  Going into last August the vax was fairly rare but government and media have gone into overdrive demanding that everyone either take the jab or they should lose their job, not be allowed into stores and other mechanisms for causing economic and lifestyle pain.

They do this despite the self proclaimed inventor of mRMA technology, Robert Malone, and Luc Montagnier (Nobel Prize winner for discovering HIV) both saying that you can vax before a pandemic and after it, but NOT during it.  If you mass vax during it you create mutations.  And so now we are seeing mutations.  

What's the response from the liberal left EVEN THOUGH the data now says that the vax ain't much good against the mutations?  FORCE EVERY to get vaxed.

Stupid fucking liberals always think they know best but I think it will end in tears for them as they realize too late they were wrong about every danged thing.

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