Tuesday, June 15, 2021

"UFOs are suddenly all the talk in Washington"...

I think Nostradamus was given credit for a lot of predictions simply by saying things in a cryptic way and then waiting for people's minds to fill in the blank spots end up crediting him for predictions he never really even made.  But in my case  I am the anti-Nostradamus.   My predictions are in no way vague.  They are in fact, quite in your face leaving little wiggle room for later on.  Despite this conservative modus operandi, many, many of my predictions have come true.  And the reason isn't that I'm a psychic.  The reason is that I understand the outrageous situation that we have all been put in by having lived this global debt Ponzi all this time thinking it was normal and deserved.

And so while to some this new talk in Washington about UFOs comes off as "sudden", to me it was so obviously coming that I predicted in these pages that it was going to happen.  For example in this 2017 post as well several others even earlier.

It turns out that critical thinkers like me, that is, independent thinkers who believe their own eyes, ears, ability to piece together a puzzle and discernment have known for a long time that UFOs are a real thing.  Sure, there is fraud as well, but there is enough credible evidence.  I have noted that liberals often lack that critical skill of evidence weighting.  Evidence weighting is the calculated, unemotional process of applying weight to a wide variety of available evidence.

For example, if the town drunk says he saw a UFO then I would listen but not assign much weight to his testimony.  But if a Navy fighter pilot says he saw it up close and personal and has gun camera footage of it then yeah, I have to give that a lot of weight.  But this navy pilot thing is only a few years old.  I was around when Bob Lazar first began to talk about Area 51 and Area S4 and the work he was doing with alien craft at the time.  I watched Bob for telltale signs of liberal lying (i.e. duper's delight and a host of other common tells) but found none.  He wasn't making money telling his story and in fact it fucked up his life quite a bit to have done so.  He actually made a big mistake by deciding that early disclosure was so important.  He could have learned a lot more, snuck in cameras and gotten real snapshots, etc.  But he felt that this secret was not the USless Government's right to keep and so he came forward.  I listened to him tell his story many times over the years and it was pretty similar each time.  With liars the story often changes because it is a fabrication in their mind which is in flux.  But real memories are not as subject to this kind of distortion.

I could also see that Bob was actually a very bright physicist.  Most liars really have no skills and so they make shit up.  But tech people value their tech rep and so are much less likely to lie about tech stuff.

Another interview that really increased my confidence in my conclusion that UFOs are real came in the form of some old interviews with Gordon "Gordo" Cooper who was one of the original NASA astronauts.  All you have to do is listen to Cooper tell his stories about having seen craft flying higher and faster than his military jet could do in the 50s and 60s and him saying that they were doing things that were beyond human capability and understanding.  And then the kicker was where he was in charge of a film crew on a military base  in the high desert of California when a small saucer shaped craft flew in, put down 3 landing gear near a military test film crew that was reporting to him.  Moments later it silently lifted off the ground, retracted the gear while hovering and tipped off rapidly out of sight.  

Cooper said his film team got what he called "good film" of the object which he foolishly sent in without clipping off a few frames for himself and of course never heard anything about it again.  Gordo Cooper was an honorable man, an honest man, a real "greatest generation" conservative if ever I saw one.  Gordo Cooper did not make up any fucking alien stories.  He only reported the facts that he observed and his stories never changed throughout his life.

Not all stories need to be from big names in order to be credible.  Here's one that I also recall as actually being very credible despite little to no physical proof.  It's about Betty and Barney Hill who were driving at night, saw an object following them and then lost 2 hours of time that neither of them could account for when they finally got home the next AM.  While the story probably sounds like 100 UFO encounters, this story was more credible to me for two reasons: this all happened back in 1961 and the couple was biracial.  Well back in 1961 being a biracial couple was not the most popular thing you could be, to say the least.  These guys knew they would have to put up with a lot of extra crap that a white couple or even a black couple would not be subject to.  Their salt and pepper situation, as it were, would attract more attention than their claims.  Unless these two just wanted to have problems it would have made sense for them not to make up outrageous lies about UFOs.  And that is why I give their story extra weight.

One final note on all of this.  The Useless government has known about UFOs the entire time and their main goal was to try to figure out how to take advantage of the knowledge.  Perhaps the captured tech is just so far ahead of us that we need another 1,000 or 2,000 years before we can begin to figure it out.  But we do have a Global Debt Ponzi that is in the final stages and it would really change the way this goes down if government threw the population a real truth in the form of alien disclosure as a distraction mechanism.

That's what I would do if I were them.

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