Friday, June 25, 2021

The covid vac isn't safe. But good news, there is a fix!

Luc Montagnier is French virologist and the 2008 winner of the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).  In this short vid he discusses his views on the vac:


Yes, you heard right.  This world class immunologist just told you that there will be more cancer because of this vac.

In related news, Dr. Robert Malone, who is the acknowledged inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, tells us that the FDA knows that spike proteins are dangerous.  Yet still they push it with no warning. He acknowledges the short term side effects but also warns that long term side effects are unknown and potentially quite severe.

Here are the expected harms:


Watch this 15 minute vid because youtube keeps taking it down.


Bottom line:

  • ·         The spike protein itself is cytotoxic and migrates throughout the body even though they are not supposed to.

  • ·         They concentrate in the ovaries, bone marrow and limbic system.

  • ·         The onset of symptoms can be delayed.

Whenever there is inflammation you should immediately start looking for the root cause in the autoimmune system. Essentially, the body's self defense system is confused about what cells are good and which are bad, and so your body attacks good cells.  So those with the shot are now at increased risk of autoimmune diseases:

  • antibiotic resistance respiratory disorders.
  • Parkinsons and Alzheimers.
  • Cancer.

Recently the "scientists" (AKA fucking sheeple) pushing the vac have admitted that their is a "likely association" between mRNA vac and elevated risk of heart issues (inflammation) in young people who should never have heart inflammation.

What's the fix?  Add a heart inflammation warning to the fact sheet.  That way, when you take the shot you are inherently agreeing that you are aware of this risk. This fixes their legal exposure.  Oh, you thought that "the fix" would actually be something beneficial for YOU???   HA!  They don't give a flying fuck about you.  At all.

Let me be clear: if you take these shots you are a fucking moron.  If you take these shots then you have been herded, like a damned sheep, into a very dangerous situation.  You have allowed peer pressure by a bunch of stupid fucking mindless strangers to push you into hurting yourself.  That is what the immunologist who discovered HIV says and if you watch the short twitter vid he says that doctors who continue to recommend this treatment should stop and those who do not are "sheep".  

By the way, when you see these kind of cartoony woke images (this one is from the CDC website) you know that they do not have your best interest in mind.  Look at the strange shadow around the image.   No doubt someone has done some research (using your tax dollars no doubt) indicating that most brains will be subliminally affected and controlled by this kind of shit.  I only point this out because nothing they do is random.  It's all directed effort.  They have science based reasons why they are doing it, but probably not the science they are telling you about.  They have to mind fuck you because they know they cannot hurt the herd using force.  They have to tell you to run over the cliff on your own.




I think Thulsa Doom completely documented what is being done.  You can't rule the people using steel.  You have to get them to place themselves under your power on their own.  You have to understand their inherent herding nature and how to use it, their very humanity, as a blunt weapon against them.  Then you can tell them to jump off a cliff and they will do it without question.

Why am I immune to their bullshit?  By the Grace of G_d, I do not know.  But to me is is so obvious and always has been.  It's never been a question for me.  I have never been tempted to herd along.  All I can do is say what I know and hope as many as possible will wake up and see it with me.

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