Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Wells Fargo CEO tells the obvious if not politically incorrect truth but doesn't get fired for it...

In another sign that the post peak liberalism tantrum is having less and less effect on people, Yahoo reports that Wells Fargo CEO Charles Scharf sent out a company wide memo saying that while he would be more than happy to hire more black employees, he wasn't going to hire just because they are black and that right now he has a difficult time finding qualified black applicants.

Well geez Louise.  Blacks have made a big point out of wanting to "stay ethnic", etc.  They let their children wear ass crack pants and create their own subculture which is more focused on being cool than being productive.  Where are the black organizations promoting being a maker or a geek (both of which are highly regarded by productive white people).   Being inventive and productive is not something you just do.  It takes a shitload of trial and error.  And let's face it, there can only be so many basketball players and rap artists.

Dear black America, the hard truth is that you have to want to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.  STOP hoping someone will come and give you something or save you.  You don't need that.  The knowledge of mankind is available to everyone on the Internet.  All the tools of being productive including cad software, compilers, etc. are now FREE FOR EVERYONE.  Linux is available in full source code. Free.  Help is available in the form of guides, youtubes and forums.  Nobody asks your race or creed before you can use these resources.  But you do have to pull your head out of the sand and stop listening to people who want you to play the stupid fucking victim card, hope for slavery reparations and that kind of shit.  That is for losers.  That keeps you down.

Set up community chess clubs, software clubs, CAD clubs where you send your kids to learn something useful.  Reward your kids with recognition for achievement in shit that counts, not in how many rap songs they made up or what their thug life wardrobe looks like.  Engage in the real world, not the fantasy "ethnic culture" world that the establishment points you to.  How's Africa doing these days?  Oh, that's right, barely able to feed itself.  Who the fuck wants to identify with that???  If I were you I'd be offended as shit if someone called me african american or even black american. What's wrong with simply being American?  Those distinctions are not healthy for you, so lose them like a bad habit.  Focus on making something of yourselves.  The opportunities are freaking endless once you focus on the right thing.  Let your achievements define you, not your skin color.  Take the honest feedback of Scharf to heart and show us all that it doesn't have to be like that.

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