Sunday, September 27, 2020

Unfortunately we are moving closer to civil war

The dems have been throwing daily temper tantrums in the streets of leftist cities and now the righties are stepping up in the form of militia, etc. to say "enough".  And now the left is being called "freedom fighters".

Government is losing control of the population and past a certain point the world is going to lose confidence in the issuing authority of the fakebux.  When that happens commodity prices will skyrocket and then people will be angry AND hungry. I mean real hunger, like not eating for days at time hunger.  All shit hole countries have starvation and the US is looking very shit hole these days.

I'm very sad to say, but triggers I have been looking for are popping off all over.  What do you think the left is going to do if Attica Scott gets convicted of felony rioting that she has been charged with?  Gasoline, meet fire.

The insanity is beyond anything I have ever seen but it is exactly what I expected would happen. It has nothing to do with Breonna or anyone else.  As I said would be the case, ignorant sheeple are lashing out at everything simply because they know they are getting screwed but they don't understand how.  They don't understand that the fake money is the root cause of every ill that they complain about.

One day it will finally dawn on them.  When that day arrives, the fed is in big big trouble and so will be those holding a lot of the fakebux as if they were actual wealth.  When the Ponzi collapses it will do so with exponential speed.  Buy the dip on silver and gold.  Isn't it obvious by now?

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