Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Texas votes to nix sexualized “LGBTQ+” and pro-abortion material in school cirriculums

Texas scorecard points out the latest loss by the left to queer up our children and to hyper sexualize them at younger and younger ages.  It is so obvious now that the left is losing control of one of their historical bastion of strengths - the education system.  It used to be that people trusted government to teach their children just the same way that the world trusted the US to maintain 35OzT of gold in our treasury per dollar that we printed.  The government proved that it was not trust worthy on the money side back in the early 1970s but people have been slow on the uptake about it and about how stupid it is to let someone else dominate the education of your children.  When someone else raises your kids, the kids become their kids to a large degree.  And when someone else has your kids for most of the waking hours of the day, they are in fact raising them.

When the dollar started off, the man went out and worked and momma stayed home.  The salary he brought in was enough to buy a house, a car, and to raise a large family.  But as the fake money has been debased, momma had to get a job.  And as society made it ever easier and in fact more trendy to dump your spouse, single mothers became the norm.  The family had been collapsed by these liberal government policies.   As a consequence, someone else had to raise the kids. 

That slap in the face of society is now being reversed.  More and more mothers will leave the workforce to do the important work of raising children.  Besides, working is not all that much fun anyway.  Not to say child rearing is in any way easy, it's not.  And its monotonous.  And its boring.  But at the same time, there is no pressure from an external slave master to perform.  And you have the freedom to approach the task however you see fit, unlike a corporate environment where the people in charge might have zero vision but they are still in charge.

And finally I have to say this yet again to those centrist LGBTQs: this is a good time to quietly step back and not flaunt or advertise your lifestyle.  Quietly live your lives but keep it to yourself.  I do not ask this for me.  I personally do not care what you do.  I only say this out of charity for you!  And the reason is this: what you are is not normal.  It's a sickness or a condition which cannot be cured.  Like cancer, the fact that you are afflicted is not your fault.  There have always been those like you and there will always be those like you.  But the long term balance between acceptance of your kind has been massively and I mean historically massively upset.  MEAN REVERSION IS NOW HEADING YOUR WAY.  And it promises to be very, very mean.  There are just too many people who have been pushed too far by the homosurge of the past 40 years and as conservatism picks up steam they will form mobs of sorts.  And witch hunts will take place.  I hate to think that it will happen because many of you simply don't deserve it.  But you failed to keep your radical members in check and so now all of you are going to look like nails when the hammer arrives.

I warned the cops that their run was likely approaching a major turning point.  ALL of my regular readers know this.  I begged the cops to back down on their random mistreatment of people and their arrogant two speed legal system.  I knew that it had gone too far for too long.  I was saying these things when everyone else thought I was insane for thinking this way but history has proven me correct.  Did you ever think major cities would have overt policies of defunding their police forces??  Did you even think it was possible?

My track record on these things is, to say the least, pretty good.  And what I see coming is the same thing being applied to LGBTQs in the future.  There will be lash back whose goal is mean reversion. This is a good time to just step away from all the radical liberal bullshit and focus on being happy for yourself.  I hope I turn out to be wrong about this but I do see it as the most likely outcome.  Consider yourselves duly warned.

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