Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Jerry Brown tries to blame Cally exodus on global warming.

Cally is burning with Hell fire these days and ex governor Jerry Brown thinks this is why people are leaving en mass.  What a joke. 

He said,"You might say, ‘We are getting out of here — we are going someplace else,’” Mr. Brown, 82, said. “No. There are going to be problems everywhere in the United States. This is the new normal. It’s been predicted and it’s happening. This is part of the new long-term experience.

First off, youthful people will immediately recognize that old Jerry co-opted the youthful buzz word "experience".  As an older guy I can tell you, we never talked like that in our lives so when you see older people using that word, they are doing it for a reason, to try to connect with the younger generations.  Same when you hear some old person say, "that was amazing".  We did not use that terminology to define everything from food to a foot massage like young people do.

But more to the point, Cally has had an exponentially growing exodus LONG before the Hell fires engulfed the liberal state.  The cartoon below was taken from this 2015 article and those brown things on the horizon are not smoke clouds.


Jerry Brown is basically telling people, there is no alternative.  Anywhere you go you will find the same thing.  But of course that is not true.  Neither are there Hell fires filling the skies of Texas with smoke nor are the taxes going up every month.

In fact, so many Kalifornians are heading to Texas that taxes, for now, are stable.  Liberal Kalifornians see Texas and all the other states between Cally and New York as "flyover states" which don't matter.  Heck, in their eyes the states don't even need to exist because as arrogant liberals, "hold their beer, they got this". 

Well Jerry Fucking Brown, the only thing you got is a heap of major problems coming your way.  A long time ago State Farm warned us all "Get to a better state".  The time to heed those warnings are now.

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