Saturday, September 19, 2020

A liberal leaning society embraces kiddy porn. Conservative leaning herd, not so much.

It's no surprise to me that Netflix zigged when it should have zagged on its new soft kiddyporn feature "cuties".  And now the herd has netflix in its sights with effective "cancel netflix" campaigns being waged against the company resulting in a significant number of actual cancellations.  NFLX will not be the last company to learn the hard way that pandering to the losing side is really, really dangerous.

I will say it again: peak liberalism is behind us now and fading into the rear view scenery at a very rapid pace.  Smart people who want to get along with the future winner will go conservative and stay conservative. Or at least not so damned liberal.  The reason is clear: the herd is just tired of the extreme liberal left and all their bullshit games.  And so now begins the 50+ year journey toward the extreme conservative right and all THEIR bullshit games.

Libertarians are the only true conservatives.  We say what we mean, but live and let live.  We are not intimidated by other herd members.  We have our own code of operation, standard of living, etc. and are not easily displaced from it for long.  Nobody is perfect and Libertarians will forgive but probably not forget.  Why?  Because track record matters.  If someone continually falls into the same trap over and over again then after a while it's pretty clear that they really are not sorry about mistakes.  That is why you can forgive but only a fool forgets.

To date the liberals have used social shaming on those who would not bend to their demands to wear masks. Masks that make it easier for looters and other criminals.  Now the tables are being turned.  Now the message is going out that if you wear a mask you are a gullible fool and some kind of idiot.  Google trends shows that the herd is indeed tired of hearing about masks.  The lower rail break down shows complete loss of technical support.  Mask wearing will likely collapse by the end of the year.

Conservatives don't like being pushed around and told what to do by strangers, especially if there are financial or legal implications attached.  Mask wearing has had both.  Thus, mask wearing is now relegated only to the very gullible and socially needy who wore masks mainly to fit in.

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