Wednesday, July 29, 2020

There's no need to gamble with your retirement.

I'm a huge advocate of saving for retirement the most obvious and simple and time tested way possible: storing gold and silver bullion coins.  My entire self retirement program is based on this.  I have a small pension from IBM and I trade stocks for fun and profit but none of this is my retirement.  Why?  Because IBM and social security cannot be counted on it the future and stock trading is gambling, not an income generation source.

The con men running the show on one hand debase the currency so that you will not hoard it.  It is a written part of their strategy to slowly debase.  They make no effort to hide it: they want to debase at 2% annually.  This is an exponential function and I am not the only one who understands this by any means.  Because of this we all inherently know we have to participate in markets with the acronym commonly using being TINA (There Is No Alternative).

But, like everything government says, it's an obfuscated lie; the stock market is just another part of the Ponzi.

If you stored your wealth in a form that held its value then that money would be taken out of the economy and they don't want that.  The want you to consume so that their buddies the industrialists can have the cash flow that is needed to make the monthly payment on their junk bonds.  But don't worry, if you leave your money in the market then it will keep up with inflation.

OR so they tell you.

But where do they ever tell you about risks inherent in gambling?  When you save you take no risks and that is not the friend of the con men who need you to risk your retirement wealth.  They need you to gamble in their casino. They know that the longer you have your wealth at risk in their game, the more purchasing power they will be able to steal from it.  They also fail to mention that while stocks may appear to keep up with inflation, so do taxes!  Uncle Sam treats inflation gains as actual gains instead of just keeping your head above water in terms of purchasing power (which is all savers are really trying to accomplish).  So when someone says they made $100k in the markets they are really saying "and government let me keep about 3/4 of it".

Now let's talk about physical gold and silver.  There is no trading it.  There are no margin calls.  There is no leverage.  THERE IS NO RISK.  It cannot go BK. Never has, never will.  It's money in every country.  Ask any insurance company actuary about the dollar value of risk.  It's called an insurance premium and insurance doesn't come free.  Or even cheap.  And sometimes you buy it and the insurance company defaults on you so you don't get what you paid for.

And forget what you hear about the risk and difficulty of storing metals.  50 gold coins fit in one hand and that's about $100K.  Even if you have $1million in gold it easily fits in a briefcase.  Silver is a bit more difficult but even $500k worth really isn't a huge problem to store and hide well at home.  And what about the risk of government nationalizing your retirement account, putting your bank on holiday, and instituting capital controls?  Fools who try to tell me I am taking a risk by holding my own physical gold and silver simply do not understand what complete fools they are.

But gold produces no return, right?  Must be true because you hear it so often from people who have no fucking idea what they are talking about.  But once in a while they slip the truth out as you can read here in this Yahoo Finance article.  Holding gold wins out over stocks in the long run not just in price action but soooooo importantly, in risk elimination to your retirement savings plan.

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