Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Weaponizing refugees

Turkey's Erdogan has been supporting a bunch of refugees.  Originally he threatened the world that if he was declared a terrorist that he would open the gates and send 3.6 million people into the EU.  Of late he decided that others around him must pay cash else he will unleash a refugee wave upon them which could end up changing the face of the EU.

Well, the EU, being the welcoming nice people that they tell everyone they are, freaked out and told him they would not pay.  And so Erdo kept his promise and launched a human crisis weapon into Greece where the refugees will then be able to get into the EU.

These people have been kept together in camps, etc. and so the chance is around 1000% that many of them are infected with corona virus.  So sending them to other countries is a real threat not just in terms of a crime wave and a general drain on government resources but also of a rapid spread of disease.

And so Greece fought back, tried to contain the migration but as long as Erdogan is pushing refugees that way they will come and Greece will be overrun.  And then Greece will open its borders so they pass through into other EU countries.

At the end of the day I hope they all end up in Germany.  That would be a great end to the disastrous political career of Angela Merkel whose big mouth begged for what is now happening.  And she also said anyone who didn't accept it was a bad person, blah blah blah.  Well you make your bed and then you get to lie in it, don't you.  It is not being a bad person to not want to own all the problems in the world.  These refugees are not the cream of the crop folks.  Sorry if that sounds bad but then again, why should political correctness overshadow and control the truth?

Trouble came for these refugees and instead of fighting for their land and for their right to be there, they ran away.  This is what happens when common people do not own firearms.  The wind changes just right and they are made into refugees.  When people have the means to fight back, it is very, very difficult to force them to do anything they don't want to do.

When will the world understand this?  No guns=no freedom.  And yes, it's sad that a few thousand get killed each year by gun ownership but that is apparently the price of freedom.  Anyone who thinks freedom is free should have to get time transported back to when the US was fighting the Brits for our freedom.  It wasn't free then and it's damned sure not free now.  It never will be.  But you have to choose the lessor of two evils.

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