Saturday, January 25, 2020

What the elite need now is some kind of "natural" disaster

Once their Ponzi schemes enter the breakdown phase, the elite always look for some way to distract the herd from what is really happening.  Oftentimes it is a war but it doesn't matter what the act is as long as it diverts the anger and attention of the herd AWAY from the elite.  And the elite have nothing to lose by killing innocent people in the offing; in fact just the opposite.  The "zillionaires" are already on record telling each other that if they don't stop scamming the riff raff that a pitchfork revolution is nearly assured.  And of course, the new pitchfork is the AR15 and it is also, believe it or not, hand LASERs (some of which are powerful enough to blind you immediately) and drones.

In other words, there is a lot of low cost high tech stuff that can be used against the elite, and the riff raff have been buying it freely for years.  There is no closing that barn door now; the horses have already left the barn.  So right now the elite need some kind of catastrophe which cannot be easily blamed on them which sends fear into the herd and, importantly, sends the herd running to the elite for help.  In this way, the elite teach the herd that its self sufficiency is a bad idea and that without the elite the herd will certainly suffer and probably die off.

And so it is for this reason that I wonder greatly if the recent SARS like infections which are now raging across China and spreading rapidly were really natural.  And if not natural then I also wonder if they were introduced into the population accidentally or on purpose.  Don't roll your eyes at this.  Elite do not give one fucking shit about the people.  They see us as slaves and when slaves get out of control you punish them.  But if they did this on purpose I suspect it will turn out to be a grave miscalculation this time because my chart models suggest that the people are not going to fall for it this time.  After all, conservatives are a heck of a lot more difficult to fool than liberals and the conservative wave means that more of the herd will be thinking conservatively.  So this is something to watch carefully.  What might have been hoped to be a small outbreak that the government then comes in with a pre-made vaccine to a disease that they grew in the lab might get out of hand and kill a lot more people than expected, thus leading to a massive backlash which will not put up with lies and stories.

Time will tell but this could be a badly miscalculated move by the elite which will not end well for them.

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