Monday, January 27, 2020

Under cover of impeachment noise, SCOTUS sides with Trump on citizenship means test

While the political theater known as impeachment hearings take place, the supreme court has decided that Trump and use what is essentially a means test for denying citizenship.  Essentially, if you are poor and likely to need government services in order to survive, you are no longer eligible for citizenship.  The bleeding hearts will cry a river over this but they always do that until asked to pay for their own stupidity personally.  Case in point, the HOA of a residential tract in a known liberal area was just told to pay the $20k cleanup cost for an abandoned homeless settlement which had squatted, literally, on HOA property.  Their response was predictable: we support the homeless but not if it costs us money individually.

These morons think that the government has money of its own.  Thus, they never saw a government-paid program that they didn't like.  To them it is just receiving more free stuff.  In cases dealing with the down and out, it is a free massage for their consciences.  But if they have to pay for their own stupidity themselves, they balk at even so small an amount as $300 per liberal moron.  The cost of damage done by liberal programs to society will, at the end of the day, total to be in the tens of trillions of dollars, if not more.  Wait until the liberals figure out that they are going to have to actually pay this.  Wait until they realize just how gullible and ignorant they were.  You are going to see a lot of civil unrest.  The root cause of it will be as much that the liberals got butthurt by the sudden realization that they are not as smart as they think they are as by the actual paying of the bill (in all the forms that payment will take).


  1. This is a means test on granting citizenshipip, not residency, AKA "green card".

  2. You are right, my mistake. I corrected it. Thanks.


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