Friday, January 31, 2020

Rick Rule sounds like me

Noted metals billionaire Rick Rule was interviewed by George Gammon recently and here is a snippet of video from that interview which pretty much sums up what I have been saying for years about government and the potential for confiscation of gold going forward.

The main points he made are:
  • He knows government is "venal" (i.e. corrupt in every way) so his view that confiscation attempts are unlikely is not related to that.  He knows they would steal from us to meet their goals if they could only get away with it.
  • However, there are 400 million firearms in a country of 330 million people.  That, and that alone is what will dissuade them from trying to rip us off.  My investment in several guns and many thousands of rounds of ammo are mocked and attacked by the left but regardless of what they think, that is the only real thing keeping them safe from being absolutely raped by the godverment they think is their friend.   Might makes right and you simply cannot wage street war with citizens that are armed; we are just too mighty.  It didn't even work in Vietnam and Korea against citizens who were very poorly armed or not armed at all.  How in the Hell do they think they stand a chance in the USA? 
Now this thinking has limits.  For example in a battle at sea?  Forget it.  The people would have no chance.  Battleships would mow down private assets like it was nothing.  On the open battlefield duking it out mano a mano with military forces?  Again, that is for chumps.  Tanks and artillery and aircraft are highly effective anti-PAM (personnel and material) in those fighting arenas.  But in any kind of city or residential setting those weapons are of little to no use.  So much collateral damage would occur that the entire population would be up in arms.  Besides, when government paid killers go home after a long day's work they would have to wonder if their family would still be alive.  After all, when you bring the battlefield to the city, you bring it to your own family too.

Again, they know all of this which is why, like rust, they never sleep in their attempts to disarm people.  And it is also why they will have top pry my guns from my cold, dead hands.

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