Thursday, January 23, 2020

Rabid, wild eyed drunk liberals make complete fools of themselves.

Project Veritas takes more damning video of stupid liberals who work for Sanders mouthing off.  Before I say anything more, Bernie will not win the presidency so all these communist wannabes who think they will get cabinet positions for having worked on Bernie's campaign will end up flipping burgers in 2021.  Also, note how all of these blabberflops are done over beer.  This is not how real revolutions begin.  Finally, the moron with the loose lips effectively says "ima get a gun.  ima learn to shoot".  All I can say is go ahead dumb ass.  You think you can learn to shoot like people like me on a whim?  You won't last 2 seconds in a shoot out.  Why do you think conservatives practice shooting on a regular basis, because we like loud noise?  Because we love to clean dirty guns?

So while I want to be 100% on record as saying these liberals are no danger to anyone but themselves, it does show that they are upset.  The only problem is that they are upset at conservatives even though we didn't do anything wrong.  I never advocated for the fake money.  Liberals did that.  I have complained publicly about the exponential debt and always voted against every bond issuance even though I knew it was a complete waste of time for me to do so.  The debt will continue to rise until it can't rise any further and then it will collapse.  That is just how Ponzi scheme work and this is a Global Debt Ponzi.

But I will go on record saying this: if ever I see any kind of "reeducation camp for conservatives" formed, I am going to war.  And the people who enforce them will not be my first targets; I will focus on eradicating those who set the "camps" up.  So, just like I warned the cops years ago, I again warn the liberals: talk all the smack you want because your right to free speech, even hate speech like was shown in that video, is constitutionally protected.  But if actions are taken to implement radical communism moves then your lives will be forfeit and you will never see it coming.  The last thing you hear will be the back of your skull coming off. 

Until lines of tyranny are crossed, patriots will stand down. 
After they are crossed, nothing will stand in our way.
Once the first shot has been justifiably fired, there will be no end to it until the enemy is destroyed.

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