Saturday, January 18, 2020

A lesson from Chile

Los que se olvidan de las lecciones de la historia estan condenados a repetirlas.

The caption on this photo reminds me of the USA.  We herded all of our kids into college (even those who would have been better off in trade school or OJT)  and enabled the taking on of massive education debt but it was nothing more than a trap in order to goose consumption in order to make our GDP numbers look better.

Only in a world flipped upside down by fake money would anyone ever define Gross Domestic PRODUCT as being 70% consumption.   But that is exactly how they measure it as you can read for yourself at this link.  How can thinking people so easily be led astray??  I've never experienced hyperinflation for myself but does that mean I cannot learn from the lessons of history?  Why are so many very smart people, much smarter than I am, so willfully ignorant of the cycles that are well documented in history?

Fake money ALWAYS produces wealth imbalances.  And when wealth is unbalanced too much for too long then you get the pitchfork revolution.  In Chile, the people are rioting in the streets.  Those whose job it is to pacify the suckers are using live ammunition in order to deter the will of the people.  I tell you this honest and true, when the day comes to America where the people rise up against this fake money system, don't be a cop.  Because whereas gun ownership in Chile (or Hong Kong for that matter) is rare, gun ownership in the USA is nearly the norm.  And we are not talking about grandpa's shotgun here.  We are talking about modern sporting rifles, AKA the AR15. 

If gun owners are out peacefully protesting and some cop threatens to shoot them with rubber bullets we are going to see Bundy Ranch play out in the streets and that will be the last thing that cops ever does.  It is a grave miscalculation to think that American gun owners can be subdued using violence and force.  That is like saying "we know you don't like what government is doing but you have to comply because we are the master and we say so".  I cannot tell you what a grand mistake that would be.  The CORRECT thing to so is to hold a fair referendum on the matter.  At that point the will of the people must be upheld.  Government should never say, "we know best, you just have to do whatever we demand". 

Again, in places where gun ownership is low the government gets away with this bullshit.  But that is not the USA.  I myself am probably too old to want to get out on the streets and protest but if cops are killing peaceful protesters in the street then I might just find myself on sniper duty from time to time.  Listen up, American politicians.  You simply cannot win this.  When the collapse comes, side with the people not with the elite.  Admit that the whole thing has been unfair and that the game has been tilted using fake money to transfer wealth.  Call fake money what it is: a scam.  Put those responsible in jail, including all past and present members of the federal reserve.  Their lives are not worth the carnage that you will see if you think you are going to steamroll the American gun owner.

Do it for yourselves.
Do it or else suffer the fate which history has already prescribed for you.

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