Saturday, May 25, 2019

Tom Fitton outs John Brennan as ring leader of attempted coup against Trump

Well folks, I told you some major shit was going to hit the fan in the end times of the Global Debt Ponzi.  Big big names would fall hard before it was over I said.  Why?  Very simply because big government is organized crime and this is the way organized crime ALWAYS fails.  They run out of sheeple to screw and so the criminal take gets thin thus leading to infighting and, eventually, the ratting out of the system by those who suddenly find themselves with nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing so.

Yes, I know it sounded like the plot of a B movie when I first said it.  But does it really sound so funny or wacky anymore?  Well for those who are slow on the uptake I suspect it still does but I am seeing more and more and more people coming out in comments to articles, etc. indicating they have woken up (as if the "surprise" defeat of Hillary was not enough...). 

With Russiagate against Trump failing badly, the tables are now being turned on those running the coup attempt.  Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch seem to be taking the lead on this.  I was hoping it would be Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty but that has turned into nothing more than a fundraising organization.  All they do is present a new thing to worry about each week, ask you to sign a useless petition and then beg for cash.  Fitton's team is actually taking action and winning.  They have become very adept at instigating FOIA lawsuits, something the elite put in place to give us the illusion of government transparency during the liberal years but which has now begun to serve its stated purpose since the conservative wave took over.

Importantly, government is letting Fitton run with the ball.  He's seen as someone who can't be corrupted and so those elements in the criminal government who were passively complicit (blind eye participation) are using him in order to clear their own names.  After all, if Fitton gets the goods on someone and if some individuals in the DOJ enabled and encouraged him to do it then they will be viewed in a better light when this shit show finally comes tumbling down.

This week Fitton is directly naming the chief of Obama's dirty tricks department, CIA head John Brennan as a "key ringleader of [the] cabal" against Trump.  Fitton doesn't say things that aren't backed up by some kind of evidence or data because doing so would irreparably damage his credibility.  The herd is watching JW and Fitton right now, and the herd is listening.  The herd is going to be shocked at the truth when it comes out.  Centrist liberals are going to be so embarrassed that they unwittingly enabled and supported this crap.  They believed Obama's play acting and well delivered sermons.  They got suckered in.  And, just like I have been saying for a long time, when that moment of recognition hits home then it will be the liberals more than anyone who cry foul against the liberal machine.  Not because of the depth of wrongdoing which has taken place but rather because of how badly these people got suckered.  It will be the cold slap in their face which makes them realize they trusted the con men and laughed at the hyper aware truth tellers who they labeled "conspiracy theorists".  They will finally understand that it's not a theory, there is absolutely a grand conspiracy against the American people. 

I smell the Battle of Kruger Redux coming soon to a theater near you.

One more thing, and you will do very well to remember this: the energy source of this corruption is the corrupt money supply.  It's fucking fake, 100%.  They will call it an "experiment gone wrong", etc. but that is only what stupid people will believe.  It was, is and always will be a planned con game to force fake money on the population and trick them into believing it's real.  When the people finally lose confidence in the issuing authority of this fake money then the fake money will go into free fall.  And not just the dollar.  All fake paper money will eventually suffer the same fate.  It has value only because the next Mark and Patsy to receive it have confidence that they in turn and at a time of their choosing will be able to find greater fools to take it from them in payment.  Once that confidence wanes, and that confidence is directly tied to confidence in the issuing authority, the trading power of their fake corrupt cabal currency will plummet.

At the end of the day there is only one class of currency that the herd will retain confidence in and its the one loudly laughed at by idiots today: precious metals (primarily gold and silver coin) held in your physical possession.  The herd has NEVER lost confidence that if they accept these money metals in payment today that tomorrow they will be able to trade them to the next guy for like kind value in food, goods and services.  NEVER.  Never is a long time folks, but that is the track record of physical gold and silver.  The herd has thousands of years of history in this matter.  The herd will speak out in favor of gold and silver again in the future and the next time the herd talks about it the voice will be loud and clear: money is gold, and nothing else is.

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