Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Economic reality is quietly settling in.

I've written here on several occasions about the notion of societal carrying capacity.  Essentially, a society needs things in order to operate and flourish just like bacteria in a petri dish need nutrients.  If the lab guy fails to provide nutrients, the culture dies.  Sorry folks, entropy isn't just the way of the world, it's built into the order of the universe.

If a society is living within its means then it can sustain its carrying capacity indefinitely.  But when someone introduces the adrenaline shot of fake, debt based currency into the economy, it results in a lot of activity that is simply not possible without that fake wealth injection.  By increasing the financial energy like this, it increases the carrying capacity of the society. More people can get better goods and services.  But anything that is fake is also temporary and the money supply is obviously and most certainly fake.  It's backed by nothing except the word and confidence of a bunch of thieves and liars.  When the purchasing power of the the fake money evaporates it's a reduction in the energy being pumped into an economy and then that happens, the carrying capacity is reduced.

It's already happening all around us.  Wapo has an article out right now that is directly to the point.  It laments the financial death of a local hospital with everyone wondering "what will we do when its gone"?  The answer is simple: move away.  Move to someplace where the money is still flowing, the city is still taking out bonds to grow and prosper.  And then be ready to move from there when its Ponzi also peaks and its carrying capacity also begins to reverse.  We will eventually get back to something that can be supported by the labor output of the citizens without the use of debt, but it is going to be a hard, depression-ary slog.  You mark my words on that. 

And when it all comes down, look in the mirror for whom to blame because you, me and everyone else who didn't do what was necessary to shut this shit show down are all as guilty as the con men who knowingly caused it.  Oh sure, I have written extensively about it while others either gave me the stink eye or the eye roll.  I have paid more dues than they have for sure.  But writing and protesting is not going to change anything at this point so I cast my lot in with the rest of Scamerica who let our founding fathers down.  They knew what would happen if their new country was ever fooled into accepting fake money as if it were real. 

Article I, section 10 of the US Constitution reads "No state shall...coin money, emit bills of credit, make any thing but gold and silver a tender in payment of debts..."  This means that the only constitutionally valid forms of money are gold or silver coin.  Did we listen?  No!  Did we accept the temporary adrenaline shot called debt money?  Yes. Then I'm very sorry to tell everyone but we are going to get what we deserve for being such patsies.  And there's no use crying about it or lamenting what was but what should never have been.  It's done.   The result is that many well meaning but unsustainable activities will have to shut down.  The economics by which they were even born in the first place were fake.  Best off if those involved just focus on how nice it was while the Global Debt Ponzi lasted.

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