Friday, September 28, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh comes out swinging

Usually when someone sits in front of congress asking for something, they are conciliatory, will take any kind of crap they have to take in order to get what they want.  That's the liberal way of doing things.  You play nice with the powers that be because you are petitioning them for favor.  In stark contrast Kavanaugh has come out swinging at congress, even to the point of warning about the obvious lines that have been crossed can go both ways.  He told them that they can vote him up or down but they will not intimidate him into backing down.

Instead, he's come out angry as a hornet and resolved to call a spade a spade.  He not only explained that Ford was making unfounded accusations but also apparently had some kind of diary for the time in question which he could take excerpts from.  I can only presume this document has been submitted for review to make sure it is credible and that he didn't just write it up last week.  He had details that were every bit as convincing as Ford's story.  But unlike Ford, nobody was there to say "I don't know what he's talking about". 

The crowd sitting behind BK was also quite convincing starting with the sad look on his wife's face off of his right shoulder.  Nobody in the background seems disinterested or bored.  They all appear to be sad at the attacks or pissed about them.  I don't know who all these people are besides his wife, but their images added to the somber and direct tone of his testimony and this is how most Americans will experience it.

Ford is now completely and utterly discredited.  I suspect that having tried this and failed, she will eventually end up losing her job.  Why?  Because when BK gets confirmed, her liberal bosses will want him to know that they were not behind this.  BK has made it clear that there will be backlash from this, and he's100% right.  There will be.  Also, who will want to take a class with her now that she's made such an ass of herself?  Her 15 minutes if over; Ford is toast.

This was one of the best political speeches I have seen, ever.  The liberals are now in deep shit.  They played their best card and he has now thrown it back in their faces. As I have said many times, not all dems are stupid rabid liberals, not even close.  If they were, Trump could never have gotten elected.  It took votes from many centrist dems in order for Trump to win.  Those good people are going to see Kavanaugh's testimony and they are going to believe that he is being honest and sincere, especially because some of the accuser's stated witnesses have completely disavowed her claims even though they are close friends.

Again, as stated in these pages many times.  IF you are going to take your best shot at something, it better be your best shot because at that point if your shot was not effective then you are going to feel the sting of the counter punch.  The rabid, insane liberals have taken their best shot and it was not nearly good enough.  Dr. Ford's witnesses like Kaiser have disavowed her under penalty of felonious perjury.  What else do reasonable people need to hear? But Kavanaugh's testimony was clear, credible, and complete; He will be confirmed into SCOTUS or there will be blood.

And even after he is confirmed, this will NOT be the end of it. Kavanaugh will try to be fair and unbiased at first, for the first couple years. But over time he will in fact be looking for payback. I know that I would. You don't fuck with a good person like this and not expect payback. Conservatives are not pacifists. The Old Testament was not pacifist. It was an eye for an eye. The liberals have completely overplayed their weak hand here and they are going to regret it for years to come. It's possible that this could even sink their chances of a strong anti-Trump rebound this November.  The liberal left leadership, for lack of better words, is coming off as mentally insane.

Speaking of Trump, he is also doing the right thing here and staying the Hell out of it. Very few tweets about this process. That is well advised. Kavanaugh is not a child like Trump is. He's not a buffoon. Keeping Trump's big mouth out of this was the best possible play as it will let the sane centrist liberals judge BK on his own merits.

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