Monday, June 4, 2018

Signs of the new conservative wave keep being sent.

The has been very little in our society more liberal than Facebook in the past decade.  Yes, people sharing "selfies" in which they are doing nothing productive or sharing pictures of their food and other silly "hey look at me, I'm important even though I have never actually done anything of note" posts.  Yes, Facebook, where reactions speak louder than words.  Today it was reported that they "axed" an emoji that was popular during gay pride decade(s).  Of course I don't care if they have their little rainbow emoji or not but I must ask, why get rid of it?  Was it taking up too much room on the corporate hard disk?  Was it consuming too much bandwidth when its fans would use it?  Or is Facebook now feeling the pressure for its obviously over the top liberal lean after Zuckerberg was trotted before government agencies in the US and around the world to splain himself?  Herding is all about peer pressure and Zuckerberg has been feeling it of late.  I doubt this is the only thing or the last thing we will see from Facebook in an attempt to realign with the new direction of the herd.

And speaking of pride month, the Trump white house has clearly put it on indefinite ignore with another snub this year.

Finally, the supreme court ruled in favor of the Colorado baker who refused to bake a gay theme cake for a gay wedding.  I reported on this when it first happened back in 2014 and in that post I clearly predicted that this unenforceable edict by the Colorado Liberal Ways and Means Committee (actually called the Colorado Civil Rights Commission) was not only doomed to be overturned "with prejudice".  I wrote, "The problem with going for the jugular like this is that it forces people into action.  It upsets the equilibrium of live and let live.  It turns peaceful coexistence into a war.  A+E tried it with the Ducks and we know how that turned out.  The Colorado Commission of Political Correctness will eventually fare no better in this.  Two years ago?  Maybe.  But not today.  They will end up eating their words and a good deal more now that the pendulum is swinging back toward conservatism.".

But losing this case is not the real loss that will be suffered by Gaydom for having stupidly tried to flex its political and social muscles at a time when it had lost its tail wind.  Now that SCOTUS has ruled against them, all the other cases of gay snubbing by businesses that were litigated will have to be reviewed and any in progress will die on the vine.  Additionally, look at the title of the Daily Wire article which I linked above.  It doesn't just say, "cake baker wins case", etc.  That would be simple reporting of the facts.  Instead, it says,

The Vindictive Gay Couple In The Masterpiece Cakeshop Case Richly Deserved To Lose

I highlighted "Vindictive" and "Richly Deserved To Lose" because this is not reporting.  This is the reporter allowing his anti-gay bias shine through now that the SCOTUS has ruled 7-2 against social slavery.  In other words, they voted against the notion that the political correctness police could force you to perform certain labor that you were opposed to.  Dailywire might not have been so vocal for fear of getting sued themselves but the SCOTUS decision is being used as a tail wind for his headline.  The author is herding; looking around left and right and basing his actions off of what others are doing.  And SCOTUS is herding too.  They are simply doing what they think will piss off the least amount of people and, contrary to what they would have you think with all of their loud displays of self, the gay crowd is a small minority of our population.  They have been punching above their societal weight during the years of rising liberalism but those days are now behind us.  And to any of my readers who might be centrist gays, you know, the ones who do not want to advance an agenda or to go on daily recruitment drives like the radical ones seem to do, this SCOTUS decision will ultimately be better for you.  But in the short term, keep your heads down because the population of non gays that has been trampled by the liberal years and the gay activists are unlikely to just call it even.  They will want some payback and so payback is coming.  It will eventually settle out and be OK but that's probably 10 years down the road.  For now, stay low and watch your back.  Many who used to show you friendship are going to unfriend you now that gay is no longer cool with the herd.

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