Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Why are so many in our government corrupt?

Many people can't bring themselves to see the truth of just how corrupt our organized criminal cartel big government scam is.  I've already told you how it gets to be like that: it's all due to the use of fake money.  Fake money that is swirling about in the halls of the elite is so easy to come by if you are just a corrupt bastard on the take.  To prove my point, here's a story where an ex-school system superintendent took $10 million in bribes in order to chose the provider of some high tech equipment designed to catch people passing stopped busses when they should have stopped.

For the sake of the chillllllllldreeeeeen apparently, a dickweed named Rick Sorrells worked with the tech company to jack up the price of the goods so that he could receive a kickback of $10 million on the $70 million dollar system.  It's pure corruption, not some conspiracy theory.  And you can bet he wasn't alone in it.  You can bet there were others who had to be greased in order to stop people from questioning the decision to overspend like that.  Rick took the fall for everyone though and so we will never know how many others were dirty.  But the point is if some fairly low level administrator like this can so easily skim $10 million from a contract, what do you think is happening in the halls of congress where the stakes are much higher?  Entire countries rise and fall based on who the lying scum in our government decide, for the right bribe, will be the winner and who will be the loser.  You really don't think that the Clintons actually earned legally and honorably their estimated $130 million net worth do you?  And Mitt Romney, where'd he get all his cash?  Look at them one by one, they are all rich and many of them have never had a job outside of government "service".

We need to throw all the bums out.  Actually, some need to be thrown in jail as well.  Probably most of them.  This will never, ever change until we stop accepting fake money as if it were real in exchange for our labor.

Also, I want to leave you with an observation.  Rick Sorrells faces "up to" 10 years in prison for his crime.  They charged him with theft of $10 million.  As part of the settlement it looks like he had to give about $500k worth of stuff back.  That's 9.5 million still missing and will never be recovered.  Rick probably still has a lot of it stashed away.  Let's say he was cunning enough to stash 5 million of it away and the rest was pissed away living the big life before he got caught.  That means that his crimes will pay about $500k per year for each and every year he spends in the slam.  Very few people make that kind of money but Rick Sorrells seemed to have no problem stealing it from the public.  There's a reason that it was so easy.  The debt Ponzi is actually a trust / confidence Ponzi.  We outsourced all of our thinking and our doing to con men who immediately took advantage of the situation.  And it was easy for them to do so because when 70 million dollar camera systems are bought with debt (you KNOW they took out a bond to pay for it...) it creates tsunami of money that can tempt a heck of a lot of people.  If people had to pay for these toys in real time instead of getting them up front and fast on debt you can see how a lot less of these things would be bought and how the people would scrutinize the purchases and the costs involved a lot more carefully.  When honest money is used, it doesn't make men honest.  It just presents a lot less opportunity for dishonest people like Rick Sorrells to rip us off.

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