Thursday, February 22, 2018

Lesbian couple refugee child fostering application: Denied.

Up until very recently the peer pressure to accept homosexuality as normal was so intense that it would have been considered a crime to discriminate against them based on this fact.  Over the past years several business owners have been sued and lost judgements against them for not wanting to provide service to gays.  So it might be strange for many to see that a Catholic organization has denied an application made by a lesbian couple to foster a refugee child.

First off, these look like nice, gentle ladies who would provide a loving home for a child.  I'm pretty sure that many hetro couples who foster refugee children would have trouble keeping up with the care that these ladies would provide.  Just being gay does not make one mean or evil and just being straight does not make one honorable and good (or even a good parent).  So let's cut the emotionalism out of the facts.

Fact 1: the kid is a refugee.  The fact that he's in search of a foster family means his family is either unable to take care of him financially, is MIA, or is dead (thus making the kid an orphan).  Do you think that the kid cares who steps forward to pay for his upbringing, medical needs, food, shelter, medical and education?  I don't.

Fact 2: the Catholic organization receives government funding for helping to place these refugee children.  The ladies are right in that if you take fed money you should not be discriminating.  If you are not sucking at government teat then you are a free person/free organization and thus free to conduct your business however you see fit without government involvement.  But if you want that flexibility, don't take the government bribe. 
      Fact 2a: government support swings left and right over time in locked step with the mood of the herd.  It used to be that liberals got all the unfair government breaks.  One high profile case was IRS discrimination against conservatives.  Liberals should have lived under the rules that if you want to be autonomous then don't take the money.  But libs not only took the money, they lobbied for it and clamored for it while actively blocking conservatives from getting it.  So it is a bit unfair if not outright two faced to all of a sudden be shocked when right wing organizations do the same thing after the pendulum starts swinging their way.

Fact 3: The article does not say if the child will be a boy or girl.  But if it's a boy then I'm sorry, having two women as parents is not a good thing.  A boy needs a male figure in his life.  Being nice and being good can not make up for this.  I don't care if that sounds unfair to you.  All I know is that I did not have a male father figure in my life and it was a huge negative.  It didn't matter that my Mom was a really good person who always provided and gave us a good home.  A boy needs a father.  A soccer coach or a school counselor can try to help fill the gaps but nothing even comes close to having an actual male living on the premises.  This is part of our herding DNA.  You can't change it with laws or political correctness.

Fact 4: When society is being tolerant of same sex relationships then children in the care of same are at less risk in social environments like school where other children are trying to figure themselves out.  Children are often very mean and stupid. They will hurt animals, make fun of others to their faces, fight for no good reason, cause damage to other people's property for no good reason, etc.  That's why they are called "children".  Now that the herd is shifting right in a new pendulum swing away from liberalism which promises to be a multi-decade reversal, don't expect the children of same sex parents to have it as easy in their youth as others who went before them. 

I know that the two ladies in the vid don't understand this; they do not read my blog and they are too caught up with themselves to see the big picture.  They actually believe that "fair" is what drives the ebb and flow of left or right.  You have to be able to stand at a distance and unemotionally observe what is going on in order to see the big picture.  They may think they are as fit of parents for the child as any other couple but because liberalism is rapidly declining they will find that their child, should they ever get one, will suffer in life to more than a little degree because of having two mommies.  If they understood this then they would be able to see how selfish they are being in this matter.  After all, is acquiring the child being done for the benefit of the child or for the benefit of the parents?

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