Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Chinese patriots show bravery

Perhaps you have been watching the political moves of China's President Xi Jinping over the last couple years.  If not then the short story is that he has been assimilating power on the back of a massive debt Ponzi which at some point is clearly going to collapse just like all debt Ponzis have done before him.  In apparent recognition of this fact and of the fact that when it happens there will be a bunch of pissed off Chinese people looking for heads to roll, including his, Xi Jinping is working to install himself as un-elected dictator for life.  He has proposed a "reform" (i.e. ripoff) of the Chinese constitution which will do away with the USA-like two term limit for the office of president.

All he needs is for this rule to be removed and then for a huge crisis to emerge so that nobody wants to change horses in the middle of the stream for him to be a shoo in for another "N" terms in office.  In historical terms the Chinese people typically just bear all of these abuses.  It was not until the 1989 tiananmen square protests that Chinese people began to really stand up for themselves and to push back on the powers that be.  Those protests sent a shot across the bow of the Communist leadership and they had to take a big step back while China's people took a big step forward in relative importance.

But now with this obvious power grab we are seeing brave Chinese individuals break apart from the herd and stand up and speak in a loud voice that is broadcast globally due to the use of social media.  They are saying that lifting term limits would "sow the seeds of chaos." and "If there are no term limits on a country's highest leader, then we are returning to an imperial regime... My generation has lived through Mao. That era is over. How can we possibly go back to it?"

Another brave patriot, Wang Ying, a businesswoman who has advocated government reforms, wrote on WeChat that the Communist Party's proposal was "an outright betrayal" and "against the tides.".  Very importantly she outright accused the government of unlimited potential for corruption and tyranny saying, "I know that you (the government) will dare to do anything... one ordinary person's voice is certainly useless. But I am a Chinese citizen, and I don't plan on leaving. This is my motherland too!".

Of course she is right.  Government will do anything it thinks it can get away with.  I'm telling you that all big governments are evil and self serving.  They ALL define "national security" as whatever is needed for them to stay in power.  Anyone who thinks that governments cannot, will not or do not murder, torture, steal or do whatever despicable acts they think they can get away with in their quest to remain relevant and in power is just a damned fool. 

What will be very interesting this time is how China's government calculates its next move.  Will it see the public fearlessness of a couple patriots as the potential lighting of a fuze that leads to an explosion of public disobedience that even China's powerful police state cannot put down or will it just "disappear" the complainers as an example to anyone else who might not like the new deal?  

If I were the Chinese government I would be VERY careful because Chinese people are not immune to the new conservative global wave that is in progress.  Liberals are easily slapped down into place.  When government screams at them, they cower.  When government wants to disarm them, they don't fight back.  But conservatives do not see government as G_d.  We see big government as more of a parasite that needs to be controlled than anything else.  When conservatives see big government at crossing the line, this is what we do:


Unfortunately, the Chinese have allowed themselves to be disarmed and so if they want their rights back they are likely going to have to sacrifice a lot of lives in the taking of them.  Just imagine if tens of millions of good Chinese people had the means to fend off big government abuses.  There would be no need for internal war because big government would be afraid of the people every day instead of the reverse being true.  But absent that, the threat is real that the Chinese constitution can be proven to be a worthless rag simply be the stoke of a pen from whoever happens to be in the seat of power at the time.

For now, all I can say is that when little women have lost their fear of big government and are willing to speak out publicly like this that things are a lot less calm below the surface than the headlines would have us believe.

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