Sunday, May 22, 2016

Lloyd Blankfein, CEO Goldman Sachs tells the truth.

In a recent article Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, tells us little people what is needed in order to get the economy going again.  In a word, "confidence".

PLEASE read the story.  Twice.  And then don't wonder where you have heard these same exact words over and over again because you are reading the source right now.   The money powers are running a global debt Ponzi. They know it, I know it, many know it.  Mark and Patsy don't know it but they do know that they keep getting more and more screwed despite 1) working hard and trying to get ahead and 2) hearing from our "leaders" that everything is great and getting better each day.  One day M+P will realize that a leader is something that a fisherman ties a hook to in order to catch a fish.

The story goes on to say, "Evidence has emerged, both micro and macro, to suggest trust may play a crucial role in value creation. At the micro level, there is now ample evidence the degree of trust or social capital within a company contributes positively to its value creation capacity," said Haldane.
"At the macro level, there is now a strong body of evidence, looking across a large range of countries and over long periods of time, that high levels of trust and co-operation are associated with higher economic growth. Put differently, a lack of trust jeopardizes one of finance’s key societal functions — higher growth."

This is of course all true.  A herd that trusts its own members works as a team to accomplish amazing things.  But a house (or herd) divided cannot stand.  Put differently, you can use and abuse the semi-sentient livestock to a certain degree but after that they go out of their way to not be of service (the overloaded camel lies down and will not budge) and the elite cannot have that.  Why?  Because elitism is parasitism and a parasite needs a host.  The elite clearly know this.

And so, as I have said all along, after trying all else to gain confidence in a herd that has given up on the con, the con men must eventually resort to the nuclear option: TRUTH.  Only by telling the truth and only by beheading some of the snakes in a public way will the larger Medusa survive.  And so we will see more and more elite called to account, apologizing, crying publicly and of course going to jail.  Big conspiracies that M+P have only laughed at and rolled their foolish little eyes at will be admitted to openly by credible authorities who will of course feign sorrow at the telling of it.  The truth about 9-11 and other major obvious state sponsored injustices against the herd will be told.

It's coming and I can tell you why: without trotting out some juicy truths and without opening some doors to allow some skeletons to roll out of the closet, the elite are in jeopardy of the herd just deciding they are ALL corrupt and bringing in someone who will open ALL the skeleton closets and throw ALL the elite under the bus in order to prove his worth and to gain full trust of the herd.  Nobody and nothing can stand up against the herd once it is united in a direction.  Not the lions of Kruger and not the US/global elite.

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