Tuesday, February 9, 2016

That man is a blithering idiot...

Every time Donald Trump opens his pie hole, something stupid rolls out.  The man is not at all articulate.  He just repeats himself like some kind of gossip person.  He's almost as bad as GW sometimes.  Case in point: Donald's Mexican wall. Yep, according to Trump, its those poor, hardworking Mezkins that are stealing all of our jobs blah blah blah.  I say, let the Mexican slaves come up here and harvest produce for half of what any American would work for.  I like cheap produce and it only stays cheap if labor costs stay cheap.  But Donald's going to build his 2000 mile fence because hey, it's a lot shorter than China's 13000 mile border as if anyone cares about the price of tea or fencing in China.  Also, Donald claimed to be very good at calculating things by the square foot or square mile.  Donald, we are talking about a fence here, right?  Where do square miles fit into the calculation of a linear commodity like a fence?

When Donald talks it reminds me of John Madden.  Or at least the funny impressions of him.  Listen to the first Joke from Caliendo at the link and then read the following from Trump:

"The wall is probably $8 billion... All I’m doing is I’m multiplying the number of miles by a certain number — it’s a very simple number … I’m very good at that. What we’re doing is we have 2,000 miles, right? … not 13,000 miles like they have in China... And of the 2,000, we don’t need 2,000, we need a thousand because we have natural barriers, et cetera, et cetera. And I’m taking a price per square foot, you know, and a price per square mile. And it’s a very simple calculation."


People think Trump is conservative and so, despite all the really dumb ass things he says and does, Donald could probably shoot someone in downtown NYC in the middle of the street and people would still vote for him.  In fact, he said as much himself.  If you are in shock over the way the herd is positively clamoring over the idiot that is Donald Trump, please keep in mind that this is directly in line with my model.

The herd is so "over" the liberal political correct thing that they actually think Trump's vulgar bullshit is charming and admirable.  It is just hysterical to think about how we have swung from the "oh no he din-nent say that" to "oh he tells it like it is" in such a short span of months.   And what's even funnier is that nobody (cough cough) saw it coming which is why the liberals are in complete shock at the state of the Democratic party right now that Bloomberg is threatening to join the race given that Hillary, who was supposed to win this hands down, has her corrupt little hands full with Socialist Sanders  - the guy they sent in there for Hillary to wipe out.

What a freaking circus!

1 comment:

  1. The best outcome of the Presidential election this year would be Hillary jailed for corruption and espionage. Anything else is mere noise, rather crass noise apparently.


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