Friday, January 22, 2016

When will people ever learn?

I predicted a long time ago that Gerald Celente would turn out to be right when he said that when people lose everything and feel they have nothing left to lose that they will "lose it".  I also predicted that a LOT of people would be losing everything because of the government-run pump and dump based on the use of a corrupt and inherently fraudulent money supply.  I said that when that happens you will want to be armed and proficient because the police cannot be there in time to save you.

Well, since the practice of concealed carry is illegal in liberal Canada, the people are left to whistling for government help when the bad people "lose it".  Today the BBC reports that 4 people were gunned down in Saskatchewan.  While the loss of this life is in fact sad, the real problem is that they died because government did not allow them the opportunity to defend themselves.  In fact, if they took measures to do so, the loser Canadian government would toss them in the hoosegow.  

Dear gun control nuts, did the illegality of weapons possession in this case save anyone or did it only give stupid people the false impression of safety and security?  Will more gun controls stop this going forward or can we only expect it to occur more and more often going forward?  And most importantly, does more and more government control over the people really make us safer or does it just give government a monopoly on the personal security business?  Even when the police are useless at preventing crime, government policies leave you with only one option - the police, and a poor one at best - for ever really feeling secure.  That is, in fact, what you end up with when government controls every aspect of our lives, including the personal security aspect.

But hey, don't worry, the establishment will express big condolences on your loss and they will be tireless in tracking down your murderer and bringing them to justice blah blah blah.  That article stated that, "...all of us across this country - hearts are going out to the families and to the whole community" and "the first responders who acted quickly and bravely".

This kind of political crap makes me gag.  Really Trudeau?  You really think the dead people give two fucking shits that you are now sorry that your asinine policies sped them to their graves?  Do you really think anyone who was directly affected cares if your late-as-usual first responders acted "quickly and bravely"?  Dumb ass, the damage is done!  Stop patting yourself on the back for closing the barn door after the horse has fled, you flaming IDIOT!

I want to be very clear here: Nobody can rightfully expect utopia under any circumstances but big government is causing all of these mass shooting problems.  More government cannot be the solution.  It is nothing short of brain washed insanity to allow someone else to take away your ability to, by the presence of a visible weapon, warn criminals that you are not an easy target.  It is similar to disallow you from defending yourself, an act which is only reasonably possible by possession of a loaded gun, when insane psychos attack.

I have a name for un-armed people in the coming years: "victims".

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