Sunday, November 22, 2015

Back to the 50s...

As the swing back toward conservatism plays out I expect many good things to come out of it even if we had to wait until the debt Ponzi reached current ridiculous levels before beginning the swing back.  The growth of the money supply had everyone out there chasing it; chasing materialism, keeping up with the Joneses.  Additionally, the state taught you that your 401k would take care of you in your old age so the family unit suffered in the US.  Women were brainwashed into entering the workplace while leaving someone else, generally under control of the state, to raise (indoctrinate) their children.  Now that peak Ponzi prosperity has been reached in the US and in most of the western world we are seeing these things reverse.  Today's proof point of this comes in the form of this news item from GB.

Women the world over are beginning to wake up and realize that their children are more important than working to get a few extra possessions.  Women are beginning to realize that something is wrong when autism rates are skyrocketing and huge percentage points of school children are "medicated" by the state as a matter of course. 

Why are the women, the people waking up?  Simply because the rate of beneficial increase related to chasing the green paper, that old Mammon money, has slowed down and now is a net negative.  That's really what it comes down to.  If married women go work a regular job their salary kicker just doesn't make that big a difference to the family and with all the problems of state control of our children, working mothers are just seeing a net negative. 

Watch and see.  More and more women are going to be staying home and there will be less and less materialism and more and more return to the family and to the church.  The pendulum is swinging folks and it will not be good for big government, big corporations or big military.  I'm telling you right here and right now that the best days of the military industrial complex are behind them.  Their energy source was the expanding purchasing power of a expanding debt supply but going forward the debt supply might expand but its purchasing power will not. 

The mechanism behind this reversal of fortune for the con men? Interest rates will begin to keep up with the expansion of the debt thus making it harder and harder and then impossible to actually benefit from taking on more debt.  Once that point of diminishing and then negative return is hit, the military industrial complex (MIC) will shrink in locked step with the shrinking buying power of the new debt because, as I explained so many times before, the MIC only got big because nobody was paying for it.  Promises to pay were made in the form of debt but payment will never be made.  This debt will defaulted upon.

At this point the government NEEDs crises, endless crises.  The government needs terror.  Its the only way to get people to go along with their scams anymore.  But you will see that people will adapt to constant terror.  They will never get used to it but they will adapt to it.  Just like a sudden loud noise will startle you but if it's just constant loudness then you adapt to it and you no longer let it control your every move. 

I've known this was coming for a long time now.  Trust me when I tell you that within a few very short years there will be heads rolling for crimes relating to 911.  Important people will be going go jail over it and a good deal of the truth will be spilled out for everyone to see.  It is important that this happen before government tries to pull the next false flag operation such as dirty bomb in NYC or declaring war on aliens or whatever bullshit crap they dream up next.  Only by exposing their past treachery will we as a people be able to stave off more of the same going forward.


  1. While Mammon's siren song of riches and liberation and what not may have been attractive to motivate women into the workforce, decreasing income may have been at least a corroborating, if not the primary, factor. For, see, though the median household income now is about 20% above that of half a century ago (v. ), it's increasingly taken two wage earners to make up for the lower individual income (v. ).

    In this sense, the Ponzi has worked as usual, with those at the top of the pyramid reaping its benefits and those at the bottom, hopeful of grabbing a piece of the pie too, got just crumbs that those at the top dropped.

  2. I think we need to be careful to focus on purchasing power numbers vs raw income numbers. I look around today and pretty much everyone is wearing pretty good clothing, driving reasonably to actually very nice cars, etc. You have to look pretty hard to find a dilapidated house within city limits. Again, just look at the cars on the road. How many are total rust buckets, dented to hell, belching smoke? Very, very few. And how many people walk from place to place as they did in the 50s (which is why many were so thin compared to today...)? How many people do I know who are toothless? Have no access to medical care? Even my penniless, jobless, "artist" father in law got free hospital treatment and lived to be over 70. Even the bums in the streets panhandling on street corners are doing well for themselves by all accounts. And who doesn't have a cell phone these days?

    Perhaps the difference is being made up by welfare, SNAP, "programs" and the like that were far less prevalent in past years.

    So I cannot really say that overall quality of life is down for people despite prices being up more than wages. I just don't see it. But I do think it is coming. I do think that when we can no longer borrow cheaply to keep our low performers surviving and voting (which is of course the political goal of keeping them alive), the real state of things will be revealed, and probably faster than many think is possible.

    Warren Buffet always says that when the tide (of credit is what he means although he never explains it directly) goes out, we will see who has been skinny dipping. But I already know who has been skinny dipping: the United welfare States of America. Once the cheap credit goes away things should deteriorate significantly. Infrastructure and services that used to be rock solid will become flaky or nonexistent. How do I know this? Because all systems need maintenance and maintenance isn't free. In fact, it is damned expensive. If you are given a million dollars credit to buy a home and you go out and buy a 6000 sq ft monster then it all seems great at first because PITI is within your budget with low rates. But taking care of the yard, the exterior walls, interior maintenance, even basic cleaning becomes overwhelming, and that is for someone who is very handing in DIY. That is why buying things on credit is so tricky for many, they forget the cost of maintenance.

    The US bought a crap load of nice infrastructure on debt: roads, power grids, water infrastructure, etc. When the cheap credit goes away, who is going to pay for the maintenance of same? This is why I laugh at people who fight each other to live close to old downtown with old pipes, old roads, old sewer, old electrical infrastructure, etc. They'll gladly pay 3x or more to live 15 minutes closer in. These people will actually be hit the first with problems and, like all liberal asses, will be the loudest to complain.

    But we conservatives who bought in newer sections of town a bit off the beaten track at lower prices some years ago will not want to pay for ripping up their old roads, replacing their old infrastructure, etc. So I expect to see a migration out of those places and into the newer areas like mine. These are the kinds of major changes in mindset that I think the collapse of the debt Ponzi will bring. All of it will seem like common sense in the future and some will even wonder how it ever got so out of kilter.


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