Monday, October 19, 2015

Permit-less concealed carry in Maine

Read it and weep gun grabbers: Maine becomes the 8th state or territory to allow permit-less concealed carry.  The tide is going directly against you on this, just as my socionomic models have been suggesting would be the case.

Come on Texas, you are falling behind other states who are now doing whatever they can to make it easy for the best and brightest individualists (i.e. conservatives) to move to their state.  When the state thinks that doesn't need the people because of rising prosperity based on rising credit (i.e. the rise of liberalism), the state treats people less and less well until at some point the debt expansion no longer drives positive GDP expansion and in fact the debt becomes a millstone around the neck of the economy.  At that point the state revenues begin to fall and states like Taxifornia see its slaves running to places where less assholes are in charge and the state gets scared that it screwed the goose that laid the golden tax egg.

At that point, the smart states begin offering better and better deals for the smart ones from other states to move in.  Once this begins, all the states have to join in.  When you begin to see tax reform in California and New York you will know that the next wave of the conservative wave is upon us.  At some point I expect many of the currently anti-gun states to just give up on that agenda since acknowledging peoples right to own and bear firearms is essentially free and anything that is free which might be found attractive to workers will be made the law of the land.

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