Thursday, September 24, 2015

Colombia is about to get its act together

Most people don't know it but there was a time when South America used to be a very, very prosperous place.  It produced huge amounts of commodities, beef, etc. and exported these things to the world.  In fact, Argentina was considered a world class economic power from the 1860s-1930 and it was not uncommon to hear Americans use the phrase "He's rich like an Argentinian" back then to refer to someone of substantial wealth.

But then a liberal wave began in the world and the first major sign of it was the creation of the federal reserve in 1913.  It allowed a very few people to have control over the rest of us and eventually of the world via control of a fraudulent money supply.  The US used the power that it gave them to foment revolution and war around the world because war has always been good for bankers, the military, corporations who supply weapons and military goods and of course politicians.  In other words, the dreaded and corrupt military industrial complex.

Warmongering and fear mongering are liberal traits and they divert the productive output of an economy to Keynesian style unproductive activities.  Conservatives on the other hand realize that if people just work together then everyone will have more than anyone will have if the people are fighting.  Which leads me into today's story.  For some reason the Colombian government and the FARC rebels who have been fighting for 50 years have decided that now is a good time to call it quits on war.  I think this is going to turn into a real peace simply because peace is conservative.  It does not amaze me at all that this is only happening right now after all these years.
By the way, peaceful doesn't mean just taking it if someone actually does something that rightfully offends you; conservatives believe in swift justice.  If someone breaks into my house when I am home I will leave them lying face down on the tile with lot of holes in them and then proudly post the video of it here.  Conservatives don't run away from a situation that demands their attention.  They simply don't go looking for trouble.

But none of the wars of the past 50+ years have had anything to do with the dispensation of justice.  We didn't need Vietnam or Korea or Iraq or any of the other places where we have caused death and destruction.  We did it because War is a Racket, period.  Liberal military industrial complex warmongers got rich supporting war efforts.  If you are rolling your eyes then go research the commentary of Maj General Smedley Butler and get your head right on this matter.

If you didn't click the link here is how General Butler's paper on the organized criminal act which is liberal war starts off: "WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."

What he is describing there is essentially a criminal conspiracy worthy of RICO prosecution.  A few con men at the top make up some bullshit lie, feed it to the unwitting herd which happens to be in the mood to hear it and to get behind it (i.e. liberal bent).  The the wars happen, millions of innocents die and the military industrial complex gets rich.  Lather, rinse, repeat.

My hat is off to the Colombian fighting factions.  May your peace be a lasting one and may your economic output go to better the lives of the people instead of lining the pockets of the corrupt war mongers. I rate the odds of this being a lasting peace as high.

1 comment:

  1. Why is a conservative wave sweeping the world now? I'm starting to think that it's because liberals, whether from the FARC or from Woodstock, are retiring, if not dying off. With nothing but their rotten fruits to show for, the next generations are, in some aspects, more conservative than their parents.

    There's also another dividend from permanent wars: remember the 60s and the 70s, when German and Japanese products flooded the American market? Both countries, highly industrialized before WWII, were coming out of the ashes and started to export their excess production. American products, after years of complacent dominance, just couldn't compete. And the world has never been the same anymore, with the US fomenting and engaging in conflicts incessantly, lest other countries thrive in peace and disturb the American bread and circus.


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