Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The witch hunts have begun

When everything was going up, nobody cared.  But as people begin to realize they are trapped in the Ponzi scheme known as the stock markets, the demand that government "do something" even though it was government "oversight" that allowed all the corruption and scammery in the first place.  I said before that we would be seeing the witch hunt and now it is beginning to be seen in China.  Europe and USA will have their share too.  It will get ugly because some of those who get scapegoated in this deal will go down swinging.  They will reveal hidden secrets that will implicate some very big names in order to cut a deal with the government so everyone can show the people how well the government is doing its job.

I just can't wait to finally hear someone high up in government admit that rogue factions within the government (read: the liberal SOBs at the top) assisted in the controlled demolition of 3 builds on 9-1-1.  Wait, you say, only 2 building fell into their own footprints in a clouds of pulverized concrete at the speed of gravity!

No sez I, it was 3.  Go look up WTC 7, a steel frame building that was never hit by an airplane.  Watch the video as it spontaneously collapses.  How could anyone possibly believe this was anything but a massive conspiracy - a new Pearl Harbor designed to push the nation into war for the benefit of the monied elite?

Educate yourself.


  1. Hello Captain,

    What are the chances that the truth comes mainstream in your opinion? Do you see any context or process that would allow for it?

    All the false flags in history have been buried and when they come to the surface no one even cares or is alive to testify... The only hope is a free press and education through free means of information like the Internet, but even that is constantly under attack.

    There has been a few steps into declassifying the redacted pages in the 911 report, allegedly it points to the Saudis, but in my opinion it s only smoke and mirrors to blame someone and hide the truth for another few years... One has to be blind, not to see what s in plain sight, no engineering degree required.

    Does this world needs a genuine thrust worthy hero to tell the truth, will the world have to burn first before we see one? My hope is that we, as a society, wake up before. Hopefully we won t need one, heroes are not born in peace times; a "revolution tranquille".

    Many thxs again for your contributions.

  2. L,
    I have been clear in these pages years in advance: I believe that the truth will come out as a result of the new conservatism and of the need to engender confidence. Once the people stop rolling their eyes at the facts they will become angry. The angriest of the herd and the loudest yellers for justice will be the very same liberals who shouted down every fact as a conspiracy theory. It won't happen so much because the value truth and justice. They have already proven adept at not caring about that as long as things were going their way. Their real anger will be that they think they are so smart yet they will feel they have been duped by their heroes.

    Why now? Why not before? Simply because of the degree of Elliott wave retracement that is unfolding right now. If you want to really understand it you have to read Prechter's book, Conquer The Crash. Everything I think I know about socionomics was learned from him.


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