Friday, August 21, 2015

The end of Ashley Madison, Inc.

Today's story highlighting the herd's swing back toward conservatism is found in the recently released list of subscribers to the Ashly Madison website whose definitely liberal mission was to assist adulterers in their quests for illicit extramarital sex.  This is beyond funny to me, especially the part about 95% of the human subscribers were male and most of the female identities were fabricated.  That, dear readers, is the end of Ashley Madison.  Done.  Kaput.  Not just because of the embarrassment of release of so many names mind you, but rather because now those who don't care that they got caught also know that there were no real affairs to be had there in the first place.  So now it's all risk and no reward.  Game over, "Ashley".

And so we see the first vestiges of the contraction of the online sex industry, in direct keeping with a new conservative wave that is sweeping the land.  I strongly suspect that men by the 1000's are rushing to their paid porno sites to cancel in order to get their names off the books right now.  Online porn is never going to go away but the once "obvious" concept that "the Internet is for porn" is going to become less and less obvious in the coming years.  We'll know that wave 3 up for conservatism is in play when the online website "Youporn" takes some kind of major hit.  Maybe it will become no longer free, etc.  But something is likely going to happen to it that dramatically removes it from society.

I do believe that the government now has a responsibility to go police itself with respect to all of the ".GOV" accounts on Ashley Madison.  Government emails are not supposed to be used for unofficial purposes and, unless infidelity is now an OFFICIAL government responsibility (they were always closet whores...), all of the people who used government accounts to sign up should be disciplined severely for their actions.  The government is already struggling to get people to trust it after DEA and FBI got caught partying with drug lords and hookers.  It will not do to allow the newly Mr. and Mrs. conservative sit at home thinking that all government workers are playing around on the Internet like this.

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