Friday, February 20, 2015

You know the con is long in the tooth when...

The monster corrupting force that has pretty much ruined America and slaughtered its once mighty middle class is clearly none other than Mammon which I now understand has always represented fake money.  JP Morgan once said that gold is money and nothing else is.  In the Bible, gold is not looked down upon.  About the worst it gets is to say that in the end times gold and silver will be worthless because there will be nothing to buy with it.  Read for yourself if you care.  But love of money is a different thing and there are many warnings in the Bible against falling into that trap.

I believe that money is an invention; a technology.  It is simply a way to store human labor.  As such, I do not love my gold.  I never go look at it.  It is purposely difficult to lay hands on.  I know it is there and that it will always be there for me and that is all the thought I give it.  I worked hard for that gold and so it is not magickal to me how I am in possession of it.  It did not just appear easily and without doing any work to get it.  But for the con men running the show, fake money does appear out of thin air and it enriches some in our population to an unimaginable degree.  They have mansions and aircraft and many fine cars and huge yachts and own islands.  These things are then flaunted in front of the working class in stupid shows like lifestyles of everyone except you, etc.  It creates jealously.  It creates societal divisions that pit man against man.  The existence of lotteries is just a way to offer false hope of easy riches to the middle class; another mind control technique.  So in my view, fake money drives the love of money.   Real money means you only get what you worked for and so real money drives societal productivity.

Fake money has been the driving force behind the debt Ponzi and I am constantly looking for signs of this thing rolling over.  When people begin to stop being tempted by the fake money, the con men are losing control.  Fake money, after all, is supposed to corrupt people, to make them turn away from their principles and to chase the almighty buck.  It is supposed buy loyalty and silence.  So when I see stories like this one where it is having none of those effects, I know something important is happening.

Here is another case where homosexuals living in a libtard infested state decided to punish a private business owner, in this case, a florist, for not supporting a gay wedding.  Instead of taking their business elsewhere, they sued the florist and the state jumped in for good measure.  The court ruled summarily against the florist because nobody debated the fact that she had not served the gay couple's wedding needs based solely on the fact that she felt it was against her religious beliefs to support gay marriage.  The judge then opened the door for state and plaintiff to collect damages from the florist that could include her business and her home.  Following this massive threat, the defendant was supposed to be intimidated and afraid.  But the defendant was neither and made it clear she was not going to roll over so the state offered to settle its case with her for just a few thousand dollars - far less than they would be entitled to under the judge's suggestion that they could collect atty fees and damages.   By the way, the settlement was offered not face to face but rather through a public news release.  The state sought to send signals to all others who might exercise free will over state mandates and the signal was: "we own your ass, do as we say or you will lose in court".

Instead of taking this legal bribe and publicly promising never to repeat her actions (which was a requirement of the settlement), the conservative florist responded in like public fashion with this:
Your offer reveals that you don’t really understand me or what this conflict is all about. It’s about freedom, not money. I certainly don’t relish the idea of losing my business, my home, and everything else that your lawsuit threatens to take from my family, but my freedom to honor God in doing what I do best is more important.  Washington’s constitution guarantees us ‘freedom of conscience in all matters of religious sentiment.’ I cannot sell that precious freedom. You are asking me to walk in the way of a well-known betrayer, one who sold something of infinite worth for 30 pieces of silver.  That is something I will not do.”.

Folks, fake money is a control mechanism, a weapon against good conservative people.  When such a weapon no longer has the required psychological effect on the victim, the victim can no longer be victimized and the con men lose all of their power in a hot hurry.  I'm telling you, millions are reading these stories and there is going to be a winner and a loser from all of this.  The state does not like seeing citizens purposely and willfully not comply with its mandates because liberals (be they dems or GOP warmonger assholes like John McCain) are control freaks.  In their little socialist brains, such terrorist citizens need to be punished, reeducated and ultimately silenced via the legal system (or via armed assassins called POLICy Enforcers)! 

Of course, the state would wish everyone would just comply because it can fight and terrorize few individuals here and there but it cannot fight the people.  So the state had to pull out all the stops and make a big public show of this action hoping to scare and intimidate a collapse of the citizen's moral values.  

I think you already know what I believe is going to happen next: the state is going to get the smack down.  The people are going to side with the conservative florist.  They will now identify with her.  The threat of using force (whatever form it might take) is that it might not work!   The BLM learned this at Bundy Ranch.  Armed patriots stood them down in a face to face armed standoff and the BLM was sent packing.  They said it wasn't over but yes, it was over.  And I'll tell you why I knew back then that it was over: because I was tempted to grab my combat rifle and go assist the patriots in defending freedom if needed.  I knew the the Bundy ranch standoff was settled because I knew that if I was having those feelings then so were hundreds of thousands of other individuals.  We are all in the same herd and we are all influenced by the same herding signals.  And if I felt it then so did the state.  The herd knows what the herd is thinking!

I'll lay odds that the both the bakers and the florist, who live in separate states, will eventually triumph in their battle against liberal state tyranny.  I think the message is going to be sent that political donations will collapse for those who continue to attack good honest people.   Look, you want some evidence?  Charles Barkley might be a great athlete but his is not a wise man.  He was a huge Obama supporter up until now even stooping so low as to do a laughable, shamefully obvious "show interview" with Obama in order to impress black voters.   Until lately, Barkley has been a liberal loving, Obama boot licking moron.  But now, all of a sudden, he's "ditching the democratic party".

WHATTT???  WHY!!!??  What could cause a person, and especially one who has put his foot in mouth so many times siding with the liberal establishment, to have such an abrupt and complete change of views?  Well, there are two main reasons I would expect this. 
  1. Barkley suddenly realized that the tide is changing and he wants to be on the right side of it.
  2. Those who control all liberals from above want their slave Barkley to try to lead all black people to the liberal right.  In other words, Chris Christie and Jeb "please not another one" Bush.
The issue with both of these theories is that it would require some level of intelligence and insight by Barkley and I honestly don't think he possesses either attribute.  So I think the only remaining reason can be that he, being a weak minded individual, is being affected by forces, herding signals that he does not understand or perceive. 
  • Charles, if you ever read this post, wake up man.  You are running from the democratic party but what you are tired of is liberalism.  Running to the GOP does not escape you from that!  Christie and Bush are just card carrying liberals catering to a different set of elite assholes than Obama's set of elite assholes.  If you side with these con men then you will again be feeling betrayed some time again down the road.  Dude, please listen!  You were wrong about Obama.  I think your actions speak volumes to this fact.  I was right about Obama.  I think my blog predicted the actions of the asshat in chief and his cohorts quite nicely.  So why don't you for once stop "winging it" with your political gut feeling because you are under control of forces that you do not understand.  Try listening to those of us that have shown pretty clear understanding and clear vision in these matters.  Don't just lead your sports hero worshiping flock to yet another lying stinking liberal con man just because he has a little "GOP elite" sticker on his windshield.  If you can wake up out of your hypnotic trance, go look into what the libertarians like Rand Paul are doing.  And no, not everyone who claims to be such is such.  IF the person under consideration wants wars of aggression (especially to fight concepts like "war on drugs", "war on poverty", "war on terror", etc.). debt based growth (often in the form of fighting wars against concepts), bigger government with power concentrated in few hands then you can be sure he is no true libertarian.  If however he values honest money, smaller government, less taxes, more privacy and more personal freedoms (while letting people be responsible for their own decisions) with the decriminalization of nonviolent behavior such as taking drugs then you got something there.  Oh yeah, anyone who wants to audit the fed is OK in my book even if not perfect in all ways listed above.
In any case, the root cause is neither knowable nor important.  What is important is that it is happening and that I predicted that strange things like this were bound to happen as the mood swings conservative.  The fact that I could predict this is only important in the context that it strongly suggests that my overarching "return to conservatism" model is correct.

Here are other behaviors that I wrote about in this post that I expect to be seeing more and more of:

"[the herd will gravitate]...towards “50s mentality”, normal working people are going to be less politically correct and they will care less about what the herd thinks of them  The herd will move away from "everything is OK, everything is grey" to "there is a such a thing as right and wrong".  They will be more vocal about it and not just “take it” quietly anymore.  The herd will also care less about uplifting the weak and infirmed as if they were honored heroes of society and it will put more focus on the strong and the powerful (AKA the producers).   

You’ll know the die is fully cast when they start getting rid of most of the handicap parking spots.  The 90s explosion of making everything "accessible" at great cost to businesses is my poster child for forcing producers to work twice as hard in order to support the the weaker members of the herd.  Not that I think there should be no support for the weak.  But I think that is the role of the church, not the vote buying corrupt state.  The state doesn't really care about the weak.  It does care about controlling the hard workers.

...the herd is going to make a dramatic transition from being a flock of sheeple into looking more like a pack of wolves.   Patsies that are so common today will become as rare as hen's teeth.  Strange as it might be to say, I expect the police state to be getting whacked along with socialism as the fraudulent money supply continues to face increasingly existential threats.   Sheeple put up with jackbooted cops.  Wolves won’t. Fraudulent money printing and Ponzi Pension Promises support an expanding bureaucratic police state.  Conservative work-for-what-you-get society will purge these excesses not by desire but rather by necessity."

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