Sunday, February 15, 2015

Why are liberal rats sneaking off of the ship after so many years?

In case you didn't notice, liberal comedians with news shows are suddenly leaving their jobs.  They have no new job that we know of, they just decided that the existing gig, after years of success, is no longer a good job.

The first to go was Steven Colbert.  Oh I know, his persona was fake conservative but his jokes always mocked true conservative  concepts.  He would make a quick joke about the dems and then go on and on laughing at libertarians, etc.  These jokes were delivered with great skill and to think that they left no impression on the watchers is foolish.  People do not like to be mocked and berated as it is a form of intimidation.  How can one save face against someone who wields words, timing, delivery and half truths like they were nun chucks?  While Colbert is not leaving TV, his liberal delivery and tactics will likely change massively when he finally takes over the Letterman show.
More recently, the virtual Bruce Lee of liberal attack humor also decided to just quit with no next job announced.  I'm of course talking about that master of liberal verbal kung fu, Jon Stewart.  I think this article explains what Jon Stewart really was: a key figure of the liberal propaganda machine.  Don't get me wrong: Stewart IS funny.  This is why he was able to get so many viewers.  I've only seen some of his clips on Youtube but I have to hand it to the fast talking, quick on his feet con man even if he was so totally wrong about so many things, always taking the liberal perspective on the key issues.  What saved Stewart is that he would also take shots at liberal figureheads IFF it was already obvious that the people thought in a certain way against them.  By jabbing his allies like this, he retained credibility with his viewers so that he could then feed them a lie.  And people would believe him like crazy.   But if people didn't already know something bad about the liberal leaders, he would not break that news.  He only spoke the obvious on these occasions.

In any case, I find it coincidental that these guys are making major changes to their long running acts at this particular juncture.  I suspect they can see that the liberal vibe is waning and they want to bail out at the top.

Of course, some prominent liberals are getting rougher treatment as society shows them the door, right Madonna?

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