Sunday, February 22, 2015

Want more proof of the changing mood?? Citizenfour documentary wins Oscar.

I never heard of Citizenfour (RA: not CitizenFive, not CitizenThree...) until just now.  My wife was watching the Oscars as I was in the kitchen (I don't waste my time watching such things) and she told me to come watch something.  So I went into the TV room where she rewound to the acceptance speech of some woman accepting her Oscar for that movie.  Apparently it was a documentary about Snowden and about what a hero he was for giving the US government subjugation machine the middle finger and for awakening so many people to all of the governmental abuses and oversteps, violations of the Constitution, etc. that have assisted in the awakening of so many people.

The woman accepting the award is named Laura Poitras and she was nervous on that stage like I have not seen in a long time.  Her voice was literally shaking.  Part of it probably from excitement, part of it perhaps from fear that such attention would put her in physical danger.  Laura, if you are ego surfing and come across this post then worry not, you are safe.  The con men are in retreat, apologizing and genuflecting as they back out with heads bowed.  The black ops groups have been tying up loose ends for about a year now as the banker suicide rate has skyrocketed over that period. If they couldn't kill Snowden for doing it then they can't kill you either.  By that I mean that if they really were Hell bent on killing Snowden then he would already be in the ground.  But the damage was already done and so killing Snowden on foreign soil would only make a martyr of him.

Within 18 months Snowden will be pardoned IMO.  It is clear that the people have his support and thus it will happen sooner or later and Obama's handlers will not want to leave that low hanging political fruit for the GOP that will take over the white house in 2016.  Hillary has zero chance.  I don't know if we get a liberal GOP war monger in there or someone who is actually conservative but I do know that there is very little hope for the liberal elite to keep the overt socialist democrats in power and Hillary "it takes a village" Clinton is the poster child for liberal elite socialists.

Folks, you cannot win an Oscar for a documentary unless a majority of the people agree with the content!!!  I don't care how well made it is.   Documentaries are about communicating information, not putting on a show.  You cannot get this kind of support for someone that the masses think to be a traitor!  The support for this documentary means that the American people believe it is all true and they are upset at the government for doing it.  And of course, since most of those waking up this late in the game are liberals, they are upset at themselves for being the last to "get it" (despite the fact that they will never take any personal responsibility for having crammed it down the throats of conservatives all this time....).

This Oscar might as well be a plane ticket and hotel reservation for hero Snowden to come home and get his ticker tape parade sometime before November 2016.  Refer back to what I wrote about Snowden's revelations back in late 2013:

"Why am I still talking about Snowden?  Isn't that already political history??  In short, no, not by a long shot.  The initial shock of Snowden's NSA revelations were bad enough but in my opinion, that first blast was akin to what happened with the dam-buster bomb from the movie, "Force 10 from Navarone".   In other words, it was only the catalyst and the tip of the iceberg, not the entire effect that is now unfolding....It's not obvious yet, and because of this many will scoff at my words right now but I'm starting to think that Snowden has brought Obama down.  I think Snowden put an irreparable crack in the herd's confidence in Obama. I think it will play out in a fashion similar to the bridge from Force 10.  I think Obama will try to put a good face on it and get everyone distracted but that the damage is already done.  The pressure of herd awakening from slumber and the insult of having this criminal president violating the 4th amendment rights of everyone in the US simultaneously is going to lead to expanding confidence cracks leading to the eventual collapse of dam [a reference to force 10 dam, not damn/damned although that would have been truthful as well] Obama.


  1. Actually, Laura Poitras has been harassed by the US government for years, since she started on a crusade against it, exposing its fascist intelligence agencies operating above the Constitution. She became an expatriate living in Europe and, since filming some of the interviews given by Snowden, has been fearing to set foot in the US and be rendered in some forsaken vassal state. I'm sure that it took not only great courage on her part, but perhaps some high-profile media people keeping her under a watchful camera all the time to inhibit the jackbooted enemies of freedom.

  2. Another 2015 Academy Awards observation - Boyhood basically getting shut out except for Patricia Arquette for Best Supporting Actress. Talk about a movie with a liberal message throughout. There are literally scenes devoted to the Ethan Hawke character taking his kids around Austin in 2008 going door-to-door and putting up Obama signs in front lawns (and ripping McCain signs out from other front lawns). Typically a movie this well thought of with liberal overtones and specific scenes throughout would win Best Picture, hands down. Not this year though. However, I have not seen Birdman, so maybe it is just as liberally themed, although I doubt so.
    ~J.T. Marlin

  3. Now, THIS is proof that we can measure that the mood is changing:

    "2015 Nielsen: Oscars viewership down 16 percent"

    The people can only take so much liberal blather from such a privileged, self-centered, self-referential clique of ignoramuses.

  4. You are correct about this indicator and those at the head of these things see it too. So watch for them to morph with the times in order to stay relevant. I suspect that more conservative things will be targeted for awards and that the whole ceremony will become less formal while these people try to remake their image from being elite to just being another guy on the street.


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