Saturday, February 14, 2015

WA cops taking heat for chasing an unarmed crazy man down and executing him on the street.

I don't know if you had a chance to see the video of WA cops murdering a crazy guy but the vid is online and worth 1 minute of your time.  Basically, a crazy guy was reported to have been throwing rocks at cars and then at the police.  But they didn't shoot him for that.  They waited until he tried to walk away and then they gave chase.  So he started running but he soon decided that it was useless.  His hand were flailing while he was running and he turned back to look at his pursuers several times, his hands were clearly empty each time.  Finally he slowed down 10-15 feet ahead of them and he turned around and showed them his hands in a quick movement.  They had time to see his empty hands but their blood thirsty Gestapo rabid attack dog training had already kicked in and they just cut him down with bullets.  Not just one shot, multiple shots from each of the murderers. It was an assassination/revenge killing, just like you would see done between street gangs.  Zero difference.

I don't know if it will be this time or the next time or the time after that but pretty soon the people are going to demand jail time of police for shooting unarmed people and some overzealous cops are going to jail.  This will send a needed signal to the herd.  It's either that or people are going to start ambushing the cops in greater numbers going forward.  The system will either reel in its foul enforcers or the people will do it for themselves.  Again, this is not a hope or a wish or ill will or a suggestion for violence or anything of the sort.  It is simply a statement of what historically happens; it is the human version of the lions and the water buffalo.

I want to repeat something for all of you LEOs that might be reading this: go watch the lions and water buffalo video! What you learn might save your life!  You cops think the people are helpless simply because people have been ACTING helpless.  The water buffalo appear helpless as well when the lions take their young, sick and old.  But if the lions get too aggressive and too greedy, the water buffalo begin to lose their fear and the fear is replaced with anger.  Cops, you do not want to be anywhere in the vicinity when the people decide to come and get you for what you have done.  Mob justice is a terrible thing!  It is time to back off, right now.   Remember, the people are not afraid of you as an individual.  They are afraid of the badge.  They are afraid of becoming an outlaw.  That is ALL you have going for you.  If the people ever decide that your murderous lawlessness has nullified and trampled the laws, your physical resistance against the mob is trivial and will be meaningless.  Ask any tyrant and abuser of the people throughout history.  It always ends up the same and no you are not special and no it is not different this time.

Your gun should not leave its holster unless you are in immediate fear of your life.  You have to give the people a break right now as they are dealing with financial pressures.  Don't think you can just strong arm everyone into submission at the point of a gun for stupid infractions of your precious codes!  A war is brewing and innocent police will get hurt or killed right along with the bad psychopathic cops that you all know are infesting your ranks like rats.

The family has filed for 25mn damages and I suspect they will receive a large settlement.  If losing money like this doesn't drive change, the next step will be for people to take the law into their own hands.  I sure hope we don't see it but you can see that you do not have the support of the people anymore.

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