Tuesday, February 24, 2015

This went out to 500,000 conservative readers...

Mish's blog is the home of true conservatism. If you want to know what the word means, read his posts.  Now I am beginning to see more and more posts from him that have nothing to do with financial stuff.  You could argue that political stuff going on in Euro land which he has long reported on is actually financial stuff.  If Grexit happens, or Spexit or Pexit for that matter, Germany and France and others in the EU are going to have to count their losses, derivitives issues might result, etc.  In other words, those posts have large financial implications.

But I am seeing more posts like this one of late which clearly have no financial impact on anything.  This post is clearly and simply about truth, rule of law, police state out of control, violation of constitutional rights, police killing people while in detention, etc.  Everyone with a brain knows that this stuff goes on and has been going on for a long time.  So why now?  Why did Bill Cosby's past finally catch up with him?  Or Brian Williams, or, or or...  It's not because people like me just started talking and writing about it, that's for sure!  But now 500,000 more people are reading it and they believe it because they trust Mish as a conservative news source.  This is how the signals move across the herd.  The Internet will ensure that the mood swing which is now in progress will be one of the fastest ever experienced by humans.

This new conservative mood change has legs and it is going to manifest itself in many unexpected ways.  Secrets that the government has been keeping from us so that they would have knowledge and we would not, those will be revealed soon.  The truth about 911 will also come out.  The hidden portion of the operations of the elite military industrial complex will come spilling out.  It should make for quite a show, quite an awakening to many.

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