Thursday, February 19, 2015

The great awakening.

First they sexualize our children from a young age using government sponsored and supported organizations including the public school system.  Listen to this very credible woman explain it. She even admits that she was in it for the blood money before her conscience got to her. While that bitch (God might forgive her but I'm not God...) was it it for the money that she would make by encouraging unwanted pregnancy, others involved wanted it to occur for other reasons (the creation of pedophile slaves for the elite).

In another case, watch this liberal pig of a woman who also ran a different planned parenthood center help out a pimp of admitted underage foreign speaking girls (AKA sex slaves).  Conspiracy theory?  No.  Conspiracy fact.  Look at the joy with which this asshole PP administrator tells the pimp where to take his pregnant 14 year old sex workers for abortions.  The criteria for using the recommended abortion center was, paraphrased, "looser with the rules because it does not get audited as much".  Look at that fat cow laugh. She is evil.  This is going to come back on her and all those like her.   The liberal agenda is evil regardless of whether it is dem or GOP involved.  They use people like a commodity.

This is not new.  Here is an old video of a former head of the Los Angeles FBI (Ted Gunderson) who tells how the liberal elite drive children into prostitution for use by their sick members.  You might not have taken the time to watch these videos before but I bet you will want to do it now because everyone is receiving the same signals of new conservatism at the same time including you and I.  The information has been out there for a long time. Lots of people have known but nobody seemed to care.  Anyone with power must be looked at to see if they are close to known rich elitist pedophiles.  They all have to participate in order to get into the club.  All of them.

I'm telling you, in a very rapid way this is going to change.  The elite who have been running these sex rings for liberal global criminals of all levels are going to get busted soon and they will spill their guts.  High ranking politicians on both sides of the aisle and several presidents and those close to them will be implicated as will religious figures, prominent businessmen, Hollywood stars, you name it.  Most of the top "leaders" are all part of the same sick club.

I know this is going to happen because I see the topic brought up in a serious manner by conservative news outlets such as this recent piece by Veterans Today entitled, "Power, Pedophilia and the US Government".  This is not some conspiracy theory rag folks.  It has broad readership among the military.  As Gunderson started his video off explaining, not everyone in the government and military is corrupt.  I know this is true because I served in the USAF and I was not corrupt and those around me at my enlisted level were not corrupt.  No, the rank and file in military and government are honest for the most part.  They hate Obama and have done so for a long time.  The rot is all at the top.

The corruption occurs with the concentrated power at the top; a concentration that is only possible to occur when the money supply is corrupt.  Without that, there will still be corruption but it will not be in control like it is right now.  But those at the very top are ALL corrupt.  They are not allowed to hold high position unless they are corrupt.   So as part of the new conservatism we will also begin seeing military commanders ignore or disobey the corrupt orders handed down to them and instead of stepping down or being fired, they will remain at their post and tell those most corrupt above them to throw them out by force if that is what that want to do but they are not leaving quietly.

Here is a 1964 speech from Reagan worth watching.  I'm serious, If you have not already done so, take some time to wake up and smell the con job or you will be among the last to awake.  The herd will get ahead of you and you will appear stupid and alone.  It will seemingly come from nowhere without much warning but the truth is that it has been known for a long time and it is only the awakening that is happening.  Do you think the water buffalo wondered where their young and old would disappear to?  No, they knew. But they lacked the courage, being herding animals, to do anything on their own.  It was only when the entire herd decided in unison to go save the calf that the lions got the horns.  That is unfolding now in the human herd.  Enjoy the show. 

By the way, the above things are just symptoms.  This very credible woman tells you the big picture story.  Yes, you have to pay attention for more than 5 minutes in order to learn truth.  But people spend a lot of time reading my charts and stock commentary so it isn't lack of time if you don't take the time to educate yourself.  If that is the case then it is likely that something else is lacking.

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