Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The coming collapse of the two tier legal system.

As a long awaited sign of the end times for the debt Ponzi I have been looking for evidence that badged centurions of the police state, who are so used to just physically hurting people left and right without the herd hardly caring a whit, are now being called to account for their actions.  And not just via public knowledge of the act with an apology or being fired.  No, folks, my thesis was that cops would start getting charged with criminal acts - something that was almost unheard of (or un-herd of if you prefer ;  ) when I first began writing it.

Cops slam people to the ground all the time for every imagined slight.  Don't react immediately like you were a new recruit at boot camp in front of the drill sergeant??  WHAM, down to the ground you go and you are damned lucky if it isn't face first into the concrete bench like this lady.  It's such a regular thing that finding video is too easy. 

If you think that being elderly will protect you from harsh physical police treatment, watch this old lady take a face plant to the pavement.   You can hear this other old lady's head crack on the pavement like an egg.  If you think it's all just a series of unfortunate accidents then watch this small lady get face slammed to the pavement so hard that she later died of her injuries.  Oh, the cops that did it "fist bumped" right after doing it. 

OK, those are grown adults.  The cops would never purposely slam a minor like that, right?   Um, wrong.  Check this out.  Of course, if the person is handcuffed and unable to stop their own fall, that should matter, right?  No, not even a little bit.  This girl died as a result of the head slam she received to the pavement because of being tasered while handcuffed. Note: back then the FDLE ruled that the death of that girl in that manner was "justified".  They should be glad it wasn't my daughter.  Their self justification would not have saved them from real justice.

I could go on and on but it's very obvious that the police don't give two shits about human life or human suffering because they are never held accountable.  Faced with a two level justice system, they begin to feel superior.  They begin to feel like they have power, can do and say anything they want to and just get away with it.  What they didn't realize is that the herd was ALLOWING them to get away with it and when the herd stops giving its quiet consent, the game is over.

 Today's news is more evidence that the game is ending. The cops involved with the needless slam-down of an older man are now being charged with assault.  Furthermore, they are getting slapped with a civil suit for racism and of course since the mood is now turning against these thugs, the FBI wants a piece of their ass too.  All I can say is that this should come as no surprise to anyone.  Police will begin to be charged with murder soon.  Watch and see, it is literally assured at this point.  If the herd can decide to ruin a rich and powerful elite like Bill Cosby for his misdeeds then it can darned sure ruin a few dozen cops that need a good ruining.  An example, a message, is now being sent to all police: the herd is no longer just going to take it.  One way or another, police are going to rein themselves in or the people will do it for them.

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