Tuesday, December 23, 2014

New York Times: we cannot move forward without justice for past deeds.

The oligarchy is one big club.  George Carlin knew it and I know it too.  There is a left faction and a right faction but at the end of the day it is the elite parasites vs the workers, lions vs the water buffalo.  The lions do not know how to produce for themselves.  They require the water buffalo to go out and graze and raise young to grow up big and strong so that the lions can take them for dinner.  Lions in fact are parasitic!  They don't produce anything.  All they do is kill and eat and procreate.  Sure, they will oftentimes kill the weak and elderly but those would die on their own anyhow and then the buzzards would clean up the mess.  So the need for lions in the African infrastructure is not well understood.  Perhaps to limit the breeding of the herd in general (just as the Georgia Guidelines suggest a reduction in human population to only 500mn on planet Earth)...

IMO the biggest tell that the left and right are really one in the same is the fact that both use the corrupt act of taking on debt in order to push their agendas.  Another tell is that each president works to accrue more power unto himself and then passes it as an inheritance to the next elected king regardless of party.  This is why you rarely see the parties go after each other in any meaningful way.  Any public conflicts are generally nothing more than a political show in order to calm the people down.

But every once in awhile the herd gets pushed over the edge and then it will not calm down no matter how much G23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate is sprayed on them.  We have entered that state at the global level.  I predicted this would happen because it happens every time an organized criminal group has completely screwed all the Marks and Paties using what is basically a scorched Earth policy of greed.  Once the herd begins to protest and riot, the "leaders" try and try to appease with speeches and other typical political drivel, but the approval rating just gets worse and worse.  They try to brainwash "value diversity" (which basically means there is no right and wrong) and "can't we all just move forward and forget the past?  Why do we want to dwell in the past, Let's build a new future together".... many other forms of G23 Pax.

It usually works to calm the herd but not after things have gone too far and now they have gone too far. Before long you have people shooting police in their cars and the oligarchs and their fellow zillionaires begin to understand that  a pitchfork revolution is neigh.  If the herd is acting like this, nobody is safe, no amount of law enforcement can stop a crazy domestic terrorist.  All that lock downs will do is reduce the productivity of the non-reavers and that only makes the economic situation worse.  At some point the elite figure out that if the lions are going to survive without all of them being gored then SOME of their own, some of the oligarchs must be publicly beheaded.

I say again, without the herd there is no game and the elite know it.  PhD Academians who land cushy jobs playing in scientific sandboxes at the public expense, politicians with multimillion dollar security details for their vacations, etc. cannot happen unless someone works to generate value to pay for these things.  Those in charge have known for hundreds of years that when it gets to this point, you just have to pick a few scapegoats and let them take a public beating, go to jail, etc.  You have to throw the public a bone, let some heads roll, tell some well kept secrets, and scape a few goats in order to satisfy the bloodlust of the disgusted herd. There is no telling where it takes us this time as we have never had such public disgust of elected officials before.  Obama just hit a record low approval rating with service members over whom he is command in chief.  These people hate their boss.

So that's why I find today's story so interesting.  As Mish reports, the liberal NYT has publicly called for a political beheading over the CIA torture report.  Now before I give too much credit away to Mish or the NYT, I only scooped them by several years on this matter in posts like this one from 2011.  It was entitled "Massive government corruption will be exposed by the collapse of the credit con" and yes, torture and other illegal things when done by government is a form of corruption.

In that post I wrote,"...as the underpinning of the con - the great fractional reserve credit scam - collapses, many of those who were complicit with the scam will begin turning on each other.  They will do it to save themselves or to benefit personally in some way (once a scum bag, always a scum bag) but it will happen because that's often how criminal organizations fall....

While the easy money was flowing, people like you and me around the world didn't care that things didn't seem quite right.  After all, we were getting "ours" and so why speak up?  In fact, many people actually became unwitting agents of the con.  As a consequence, those who tried to bring something into the light of day were immediately cast off by the  herd, ignored or laughed at no matter how much homework they might have done or how much evidence they might have access to.  But as the con collapses, a sort of mass awakening is occurring.  It's as if the credit con had hypnotized the people and now that the corrupting drug of easy credit is being pulled from the economy, people are coming out of their drugged stupors and they are not liking what they are seeing....Sleepy sheeple with plenty of credit driven prosperity couldn't care less what the government did.  Angry, freshly awakened and impoverished sheeple will suddenly care a great deal and there will be a call for heads to roll.  History has spoken many times on that subject.".

This is exactly what we are seeing today.  The people are pissed, the NYT simply reflects the mood of the readership and instead of covering up the misdeeds like they have for decades in order to scratch each others backs, the papers are now turning on their political partners in crime.  Why are they doing it?  To help the people?   HA HA HA HA!  The NYT has proven over and over again it does not give two shits about the people!  This is happening for one reason only and it is just as I reported here: readership is collapsing and the NYT needs to stay relevant.   You could say I'm just making this all up in real time to fit the circumstances but that is why I bothered to make all the predictions in this blog so many years before anyone at all was talking about any of this.  The facts are fitting my model, not the other way around!  If you want someone who changes the facts to fit their agendas, look no further than government economists and government climate change "scientists" (propagandists).

In any case this is a serious work by the NYT because it specifically kills the possibility of Obama or any other administrative hack from saying, "hey, can't we all just get along here?  I just want to live and work together for a better future blah blah bullshit blah blah blah.  The NYT is basically saying "don't try to deflect on this issue, boys, we know your little games as well as you do and we are going to sell your asses down the river in order to ingratiate ourselves to one very pissed off herd.".  This passage is right to the point:"
Mr. Obama has said multiple times that “we need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards,” as though the two were incompatible. They are not. The nation cannot move forward in any meaningful way without coming to terms, legally and morally, with the abhorrent acts that were authorized, given a false patina of legality, and committed by American men and women from the highest levels of government on down.".

The post goes on to say, "These are, simply, crimes."

It doesn't get any plainer than that folks.  The nation cannot move forward until some heads roll.  Who is going to take one for the gipper here?  Can you hear the crowd in the arena starting to chant "jail time, jail time, jail time"??

Once this idea becomes a public imperative, that's when things begin to get ugly.  As Mish writes, the following top officials would be very easy to prefer war crime charges against:

Top Five War Crimes Candidates

  1. Former Vice President Dick Cheney
  2. Former President George Bush
  3. Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
  4. Former CIA director George Tenet
  5. President Barack Obama - for drone policy

But that is not the worst part of it.  Any of those above who might be convicted would get light sentences and plenty of back channel oligarch support because they all know where the skeletons are buried.  Where it gets more interesting to me is when underlings who know they will receive no such support are thrown under the bus including, "...the Office of Legal Counsel lawyers who drafted what became known as the torture memos... Jose Rodriguez Jr., the C.I.A. official who ordered the destruction of the videotapes; the psychologists who devised the torture regimen; and the C.I.A. employees who carried out that regimen".

How is the big, corrupt organized criminal cartel known as the military industrial complex going to keep everyone in that chain silent?  How many will have "accidents" before the others begin to realize that they are completely disposable like toilet paper if push comes to shove?  How many will turn state's evidence?  And at what point will the big 9-11 corruption be raised from the skeleton closet in order to bail someone out of their legal and or financial troubles?

This NYT article must be taken seriously; it is a clear escalation to the next level of the collapse of the organized crime syndicate known as the military industrial complex.  The people have simply had enough!!


  1. I'm convinced that a government, whatever its stripes, does not necessarily need the consent of the people, even in tyrannies, but oftentimes with the complicity of the people will do.

  2. Complicity is implied consent but with the right to revoke such consent when and where the people deem that the trust has been lost. Disarmed people get no vote and are shown no quarter but somehow the powers that be seem to actually be caring what the people think. And it's not because of American political exceptional-ism. It's because they know that many of the people have guns and are not afraid to use them if elections are suspended and other things that typically happen to disarmed people.

    No guns=no rights.


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