Monday, December 22, 2014

Desperate liberals try to turn children against parents in gun control "Public Service Announcement"

A couple of years ago this so called PSA (Public Service Announcement) would have pissed me off to no end.  Now that I see it in light of the new conservative wave sweeping the country, all that I could think was how pathetic and desperate the whole thing was.

To the sound of melodramatic piano music, the video depicts a young boy stealing his mother's handgun from her dresser.  The mother does not appear crazy or agitated or anything else that would indicate that she might not be trusted to own a gun.  She in fact is peacefully reading a book as the boy slips up into her room to take the gun.

At this point we don't know why he wants it, but into his school back pack it goes.   Then he brings it to school where of course we would normally expect the worst to ensue.  He sits through a class with the gun in his backpack and then at the end of class when other students have left, he pulls out the gun (to the horror of his teacher).  But instead of blasting her with it, he sets it on her desk and asks her to "take it away" because he doesn't feel safe with it in the house.

This is so wrong in so many ways but let me say that if that boy is caught with a real weapon on him at school that his chances of getting killed by the police, no questions asked, go up exponentially.  The school is the last place that such a misguided kid should ever bring a gun, especially one that he has clearly not been taught to handle safely and which is probably loaded.

In real life the repercussions of doing what that "public service announcement" suggests that children do would reasonably include:
  • Criminal charges against mom for allowing the kid access to the gun.
  • Criminal charges against the kid for carrying a loaded gun into a school zone (major felony).
  • High likelihood that a friend would learn of the gun and tell the authorities who would then call SWAT would then very likely shoot the kid in his tracks.
  • More than a little chance that the kid would mishandle the weapon and it could go off at school, perhaps hurting or killing another kid (or himself).
  • Charges against the child for theft of a firearm (even if the mother did not press charges, the police certainly would in order to try to appear relevant).  The kid has no money so it is just another parent tax.
Fortunately, I think that no kid is going to fall for this kind of liberal "power of suggestion" brainwashing.  I do think that civil charges should be brought up against the creator of that film for recklessly endangering minors though.

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