Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Dear cops, your air cover is evaporating.

Corrupt cops are suddenly getting busted.  Here's one that got arrested and charged with multiple felonies for his crimes.  Instead of giving him the minimum charges, they seem to have thrown the book at him.  This is a big change from just 12-18 months ago folks and I see it as a growing trend even if only in its infancy.  It's not that the heads want to turn on their enforcers like this.  It's just that too many people are watching now and they are voting (unlike before).  The destruction of the liberal Senate during the mid terms was perfect proof of this and everyone is paying attention.  Side note: I suggest to Hillary not to even run in 2016.  You will lose badly and then it will be your legacy.

I'll say it again to you cops out there: stop and think!  I've given you a clear vision of the future in both the what and the why.  The days of police gone wild and just getting away with it like it was nothing are ending quickly.  Stop your illegal and immoral practices right now and you might be able to make the transition from corrupt cop to useful public servant.  By the way, don't get too used to the idea of a pension because we the people are going to shut that down for you soon.  Nobody in the private sector gets pensions anymore so why should government criminals, bullies and con men?  Don't think the people aren't taking note of this.  We are.  Pretty soon the notion of police pensions will fade away.

Note: it was the video camera that brought this bastard down.  Without that, the victim would have been sentenced to prison for bogus charges made up by the cop.  Wherever possible, have a video camera present and rolling at all times.  Example: the in-car windshield DVR.  This will stop people from lying about who was to blame for the accident and it will serve as a visual warning if you are pulled over by the police that they need to be on their best behavior.

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