Sunday, December 14, 2014

Another liberal police state scam collapses with the victim getting a 1 million dollar payday.

The cops used to never lose any legal decision but the tide is now moving against them faster and faster each day.  Read about today's evidence here where the police state had to pay up 1.12 mn USD to a not so helpless Tea Party woman for the false arrest abuse they carried out on here.  Each time something like this happens it sends the word out not just locally but nationally.  It leads to more people suing the cops, more cops losing big awards and then leadership heads in the police dept eventually begin getting held accountable with their jobs.  Once that happens the will begin to throw their corrupt officers under the bus instead of risking their own fat salaries and pensions for the illegal acts of those in their charge.

No way would this have been the case a few years ago. 


  1. Captain,

    What do you think the effect will be when JNUG reverse splits on Dec. 23, 2014?




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