Tuesday, November 11, 2014

JNUG decision point: 4th or breakdown...

Time to do it or die...  Spec buy right here and the bail with just a few cents stop...


  1. Cap'n,
    A large purchase, or just dipping your toe in the water?
    Steven B.

  2. When swing trading, go big or go home. I dot not see a confirmed uptrend yet so buy and hold with small % of trade allotment is not in the cards yet.

    So when I see an entry point on a swing, I go big and then set very tight stops. This is why it is so important to have a working model for each and every trade. The market is a fickle bitch and it will break you with the leveraged ETFs unless you use a structured system like this.

  3. I went big on JNUG one time too often last week and received a nastygram from optionsxpress for a "free riding violation". News to me; didn't know what this was until now.
    On probation for 90 days :-(
    Live, and learn ;-)
    Steven B

  4. Sounds like you need to get margin enabled instead of trading from a cash account (or don't use margin...).


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