Monday, October 27, 2014

More evidence of the new conservatism...

Liberal policies are designed to generate something from nothing.  Theft is in fact a liberal policy.  True conservatives do not steal.  They believe in working for what they get.  That is not to say that GOPs in politics don't steal.  Most of them are stone cold thieves.  But that is because they are conservatives in name only.  They vote for more debt, more war, more government programs and associated controls and, oh yeah, more laws.  Reams of them such that everyone is a potential felon in the eyes of the system.  None of these things are conservative attributes.  Note that theft by guile (AKA the art of the con) is uniquely liberal in nature.  Through sophistry and passive aggressive techniques, the liberal con man can, for a time, fool most of the people.

The IRS and local police have gone crazy with the liberal policy of asset foreclosure over the last decade.  What started off as a seemingly good law - taking the assets of criminals - has morphed over time into just another government shake down of the people.  How do you think they pay for junkets and hookers?  Out of their own pockets??  Yeah, right.

As you can see from this article, the practice got so common and so loosely used that the stink of corruption finally wafted up into the public view.  When too many people have gotten wise and are talking about the scam, that is generally the beginning of the end for the con.

In an acknowledgement that the free-money-stolen-from-honest-people-under-guise-of-law game is now at the end of this cycle we now see how the IRS is saying they will stop this practice (even though they do not plan to return anyone's cash):  "On Thursday, in response to questions from The New York Times, the I.R.S. announced that it would curtail the practice, focusing instead on cases where the money is believed to have been acquired illegally or seizure is deemed justified by “exceptional circumstances.”  ...  Richard Weber, the chief of Criminal Investigation at the I.R.S., said in a written statement, “This policy update will ensure that C.I. continues to focus our limited investigative resources on identifying and investigating violations within our jurisdiction that closely align with C.I.'s mission and key priorities.

So, all of a sudden Conman Weber has decided for a "policy update"...  Why is the game over???
Why now?  The answer is obvious: because too many people are looking now!  The peaking credit has put so many marginal people out of work that they now have time to see what's going on with government.  Busy people with full bellies and no worries don't care if the infrastructure has gotten rotten.  They just keep on going until the infrastructure collapses.  But out of work, disillusioned people who have lost everything and who worry about their future are not so sanguine about the matter.

That is obviously why the IRS is going to stop, no other reason.  When a con has run its course, the smart con man backs out quietly and tries to disappear without making a fuss, pockets loaded with cash from the victims.  Nothing was going to happen until someone beamed sunlight into the cockroach pit.  The ongoing deliberalization of the news services will see a big return to investigative reporting because the herd once more cares about it.  No longer is the herd ignoring these things.  And so they will stop.

Mark my words, the IRS will eventually be forced to repay a lot of it because once they switch from the offensive to the defensive the lawyers for the opposition are going to smell weakness; blood in the water.  All they have to do is not get paid on a contingency basis and their offices will be full of willing clients.  The opposition lawyers are educated people. They know which way the wind blows and the know that you can't just be a tyrant and then suddenly stop and then hope that everyone will just forget about their losses and move on.  It doesn't work that way!  The pendulum is now swinging back toward conservatism where honest people will not be targeted and instead the criminals in government are going to get what they have deserved for a long, long time.

The process doesn't move quickly and it doesn't move in a straight line but it is mos def moving in a new, increasingly conservative direction.  It's not that the con men want to do this, it's that the herd is demanding it.  If the con men overplay their hand they will end up either ignored/irrelevant or dead.  Expect a tactical retreat at first, just like in the lions and water buffalo video.   Expect the hard core criminals to not take the increasingly less subtle hints and to instead require a goring before they give up their little corrupt empires.  And so a public goring or two is completely built into the cards at this point.

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