Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How the heck did I miss this one??

Given my central theme that government is an organized criminal cartel running a massive con on the people, I'm ashamed to say that I never did see this little tidbit brought up by IBD (Investor's Business Daily) back in Nov of 2013.  Of course, I don't read IBD because they have no idea of how to time markets and all they do is repeat the conventional wisdom on what drives share prices. Most importantly, they don't even realize that the stock market is a win-lose proposition.  They seem to think that "investing" (gambling really) is a legitimate activity that responsible people should engage in with their life savings.  So, no, I don't read the rag.

But I was shocked just now to come across the reference to that article on someone else's blog. I mean, it's one thing for me (a relative nobody in the world) to make accusations, no matter how well informed (or not) I might be.  But for stodgy old IBD to wonder aloud whether or not we are all victims of an "elaborate con"?  Well, that's just fucking priceless because IBD is just the kind of reputable know-nothing magazine that would accuse someone like me of being a conspiracy theorist.  But what is an "elaborate con" if not a CONspiracy?

Folks the truth is out there and it is just boiling below the surface waiting for the false prosperity to subside so that it can come bubbling up and spill out all over the place making a huge mess.  After all, there is little use in talking to the herd when it has a full stomach and sees nothing but more green pastures ahead (even if they are just stupid videos and the damned cows can't tell the difference).  But when the video projector breaks and the cattle see how badly they have gotten fucked then it's all going to come tumbling out and it will include whacky, "way out there" things that informed visionaries (AKA in many cases as "conspiracy theorists") have been saying all along. 

Will I be shocked to find out that Obama is gay and Michelle is a "tranny"?  Not at all.  Will I be shocked to find out that Joan River's sudden death was related to her big mouth in this matter?  Nope.  After all, she only lasted a few weeks after that youtube of her saying it went viral.  Maybe its a coincidence.  Maybe not.  But I would not be surprised to find that it wasn't because I don't believe in coincidences.  After all, the lady loudmouth lived 81 years and was still walking around on her own without assistance.  Tough old bird.  And then just a couple weeks after seriously commenting on the gayness of the Obamas, she mysteriously dies during a routine procedure.  Sure it could happen but one has to at least wonder about it.

Will I be shocked to find out that the US was behind 9-11?   Of course not and in fact I have prominently predicted it enough times in these pages so that nobody can have any doubt as to what I might have been thinking.  It is important to me to have some kind of historical record that shows that not everyone was fooled by the con.  And Obama's birth certificate fiasco?  Well I personally downloaded the fake certificate as soon as it came out and I was able to see some of the same things in it that the original conspiracy theorists (AKA subject matter experts) saw.  Do I think the CIA is running drugs and running guns?  Yes, I do.  I would do it as well if I were a morals-free liberal piece of crap like they are.

We all have to get over the idea that the government is some kind of trusted entity. It's not.  It's just people.  And if you give people too much unquestioned power they will unquestionably abuse it.  That's just how we humans roll.   I'm going to have a field day talking about all the coming revelations that will in fact be surfacing over the next few years.  It will all be part of the Great Healing.

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