Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Young people luckily avoid serious injury during mob attack.

The young people are figuring out that they have been ripped off and they are acting out as a herd.  Nowhere is it more obvious than in this recent video.  Tens upon tens of out of control kids were running around just for the fun of it raising Cain and beating up anyone who looked weak.  I doubt that this will be an isolated one off event.  It will begin to happen more and more now and it will not likely just be for the thrill of it.  The victims will be beaten or killed and then robbed.  The mobs will be smaller and more viscous and they won't be targeting young people who have no money, they will be targeting those with money or who appear to have money.

People who count on the police to protect them are really asking for trouble.  Where were the police in that video?  I don't mean the $7 per hour rentacops who did literally nothing while that kid got kicked in the head as he lay on the ground.  I mean real police with guns.  Where in the heck were they?  They were nowhere to be found of course.  Why?  Because there is more money and less danger in handing out bogus tickets and fighting the war on drugs.  Don't count on the cops for anything, they are cowards who always run away from an even-odds fight.   They are only brave when their odds are 10 or 20 to 1.

Trust me when I tell you this: America is not ready for what will come when the grand debt Ponzi begins to accelerate downward into the jaws of the historic collapse which it must soon endure.  Look at other places in the world where there are real and ongoing shortages of essentials.  Look at the crap that goes down there.  Now imagine that crap happening to you.

I say again, get a gun, buy some ammo, become proficient in the use of your gun and get your mind right about using it should the need arise to defend yourself.  Forget about prosecution, worry instead about surviving the moment.  You will never be convicted for protecting yourself from a hate mob like this as long as you do what police do not do which is shoot only to the degree needed to protect yourself.  The cops always empty their mags so that there is nobody left to argue the facts.  I won't do that.  I will use the minimum force necessary to protect myself.  But I will be aiming for center body mass.

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