Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Fresno Bee: official 911 story is full of holes.

The Fresno Bee ran a piece today entitled, "I don't believe official 9/11 story".  Now, I don't know if that paper is left leaning or right leaning but it is a newspaper and it is from a left coast city.  It's one thing to think these things.  It's another thing to write about them over and over again in my obscure little blog (as I certainly have done!).  But I think it's entirely another thing for a newspaper to be so bold about the statement and then to go into the exact same reasons for disbelieving the official story as I have posted in these pages over the years:
  • molten steel, pulverized concrete
  • indisputable presence of nanothermite residue
  • WTC 7, a building which was not struck by any aircraft and which was hardly on fire at all collapsed into its own footprint at the speed of gravity in clear controlled demolition style just like the twin towers did, careful not to damage property to either side.
  • No aircraft wreckage reported at the Pentagon by the very first reporter to arrive.  
It is so obvious that this was an inside job but the herd was distracted by the money chase.  Money was falling from the sky, instantiated in the Heavens by the credit machine and the taking on of massive debt.  How could the herd spend too much time thinking about a few lousy buildings in NYC?  But, as I predicted, now that the credit is drying up the herd will become un-distracted and in fact instead of overlooking huge government abuses like 9/11, it will begin to question everything government has ever done or ever will do.  The collapse of trust will be complete when we elect new politicians that the money powers no longer control and these new leaders will actually owe allegiance to the people instead of to the military industrial complex.

I'm telling you folks, exposure like this billboard in Times Square is going to start a lot of people thinking and talking and they will be less intimidated and thus more likely to believe the truth even if is is painted as a "conspiracy theory".  When you see this kind of thing in times square you know that something very big has changed.  Government would normally squash this kind of thing but I bet that those selling this rental space are having a hard time getting takers for it and so they cannot let government pressure stop them from accepting this business.  Without the ability to take on ever higher levels of new debt, government cannot just buy the loyalties of everyone and everything around it.  Honest money keeps everyone honest!!  Dishonest money does the opposite.

Face it.  Our Bush government did it or they knew someone else was about to do it and they were in on the plans.  They knew it was coming. They were co-conspirators.  They committed mass murder and treason and they deserve a traitor's punishment (DEATH).  The criminals should be identified starting with the Commander and Thief at the time, GW Bush.  They should just sweep him up like the trash that he is and deposit him in the nearest jail to await sentencing.  Cheney is as dirty in this as the day is long.  Many military leaders were complicit as well.  We need to get to the bottom of this so that we can:
  • wake the people up so that our population is not so sheeple-ish and is in general un-trusting of government by default instead of believing every government lie by default.
  • dole out punishment to the perps, and lots of it.
  • make changes to ensure that it can never happen again (transparency of government).  We especially need to get rid of black project funding, the notion that taxpayers have no right to know where their money is being spent and the concept that government can run a deficit of any kind for any purpose or any length of time.  Government MUST be made PayGo, period.  Anything else guarantees eventual abuse.
  • achieve smaller government.  Much smaller, Ron Paul type smaller government.  Anything else guarantees IMMEDIATE abuse.
  • get rid of the ultimate funding source for such ventures (fraudulent money including fiat currency and fractional reserve banking).
  • abandon all nonpublic dealings and treaties with foreign governments and avoid all foreign entanglements.

I'll leave you with the following graphic which is part of the story in the 2nd link above:


  1. For me the Pentagon sticks in my craw the most. The airspace around the Pentagon is the most secure airspace on the planet, and it has its own air defense armaments. The plausibility of that situation seems weak at best.

    Cheers Captain,


  2. "... when we elect new politicians that the money powers no longer control and these new leaders will actually owe allegiance to the people instead of to the..."

    This is not without risk. Scandalized by the root if everything it held dear, the herd might be just too eager to elect anyone without ties to the Ancien Regime. History is chock full of examples, not only a certain corporal decades ago, but also in the recent past a certain community organizer...


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