Saturday, September 6, 2014

Ted Cruz: become terrorist, lose citizenship.

Ted Cruz is walking a fine line of pandering to the police state again with his latest bill to strip citizenship from Americans who "become terrorists".  While I do not purport to have studied the intricacies of the bill, the language is similar to other scam bills put out by the RINOs.  The pattern is simple: put out a bill that gives government the legal right to strip people of their rights based on some very small percentage situation. 

In the case of Cruz's bill, which is called the Expatriate Terrorist Act, headline the bill with "if people go to Syria to join ISIS then they are no longer Americans" or other things that most people would generally agree with. 

Then, when nobody is looking, write into the bill much looser language such as "suspicion of association...." and remove the "overseas" part of it such that the law has a "corner case" which effectively allows government to declare any US citizen, whether living in the US or as an expat, to be labeled a terrorist for any reason at any time.  Once a person's rights are gone they no longer have access to the legal system to defend themselves which means their side of a story cannot be heard.  In reading the cryptic contents of the bill at the link provided above, the test of whether you are a terrorist or not has NO connection as to whether you left the US to go physically join ISIS as an Expat even though the bill is called the Expatriate Terrorist Act.  The test, instead, is whether you are accused of aiding or abetting a foreign terrorist organization.  So again, while I would be FOR a bill that says if you are caught fighting for ISIS in Syria with a gun in your hand that you are a terrorist, this bill far overreaches that limited corner case (which to be honest represents such a small % of Americans as to not really be worth Congress' time to write laws about).

This is a tyrannical direction, sold to stupid people in the name of making their lives more secure.   I am not happy about it, Ted Cruz and I see it as nothing more than pandering to the police state in order to gain favor and funding for your 2016 presidential run.  I hope you read my blog after the emails I sent you on this matter because unless you do a major change away from this direction I think your chance of being president in 2016 are falling rapidly.  Why?  Because REAL conservatives do not want big government to have this kind of power to be able to put people into a classification that legally allows government to whisk them away in the middle of the night without a word being said to families and without any legal representation possible.  Not now, not ever.

1 comment:

  1. After dozens if years looking over the fence at Checkpoint Charlie, the wettest dreams of the military industrial complex are being realized at last.


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