Friday, September 19, 2014

Russian expert study of MH17 crash

Mish pointed to a downloadable report in msword format that I think is worth reading regarding the crash of MH17.  If you want the short version summary, it basically says that a fighter aircraft probably shadowed MH17 in the clouds using ground based tracking support along with onboard RADAR. When the time was right, it popped up above the clouds without warning and approached the 777 aircraft from its port side.  The fighter then fired on the cockpit with 20mm cannons thus producing round holes as found in the wreckage.  It was clearly a surgical strike designed to kill the cockpit crew immediately.  The aircraft continued flying on autopilot while the attack aircraft positioned itself at the rear of MH17 before loosing multiple air to air missiles which took out engines and control surfaces.  MH17 was flying very high, in thin atmosphere.  The resulting loss of control put it into a rapid spin that literally tore the aircraft apart, spewing the pieces over a 15km area.

The report was careful to say that no Russian plane or rebel planes were in the vicinity and alluded that Ukrainian fighter aircraft were.  The report is quite compelling in the fact that the BUK surface to air missiles leave a huge, completely obvious exhaust trail and they make a launch noise that is easily heard for several kilometers in all directions of the launch. Nobody reported either the noise or the exhaust trail.

The report also makes clear that the 777 is a large aircraft and one that is not easy to just blow up.  Military armaments are designed for much smaller planes.  Thus, in order to bring MH17 down with so little trace, a clear plan and strategy must have been employed of the type that only military people with an understanding of flight dynamics could effectively devise.  The evidence points to a series of purposeful actions resulting in the destruction of MH17, not some accidental event caused by misguided friendly fire.  Someone tracked MH17 and decided to use it as a political pawn in the war.  They killed hundreds of civilians on purpose without any conscience or remorse.  I wish I could get my hands on the fucking assholes that did this.  Just me, a dimly lit room, a pair of pliers and a propane torch.

This is what happens when big government gets too big.  It begins living a life of its own and all of its actions are self serving without any regard to anything else but growth of government and concentration of power.  From this very reasonable Russian report the only logical conclusion is that the Ukrainian government did the deed, probably with the knowledge of the USA via our spy satellites, in order to cast aspersion and hate onto the Ukrainian rebels and by association, Putin's Russia.  This is a very dangerous game that Dear Leaders are playing.  How much of this will Putin take before he starts playing real hard ball?  Why are we provoking the bear with such sharp sticks?  When has that ever ended well for anyone?

Unfortunately, this is just the type of thing that the sheeple allow governments to get away with during the end days of a monster credit Ponzi.  It's all going to collapse and someone needs to cast attention away from those who did this to the world (elitists from the global military industrial complex and their financial attack dog bankers) onto a scapegoat.  The art of distraction coupled with creative destruction.  Please don't be fooled by any of it.  These guys are not stupid.  They know what they are doing and why they are doing it.  Obama knows as well which is why he just plays golf during crises.  To him it is not a crisis but rather "The Plan".

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